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User:interduca (22354)
Name:Regina Pieter

-Regina Pieter-

Juno it was (I knew her) who stands in Jove’s temple.
I shivered, and betrayed myself by speechless pallor:
Then the goddess herself dispelled the fear she’d caused,
Saying: O poet, singer of the Roman year,
Who dares to tell great things in slender measures,
You’ve won the right to view a celestial power,
By choosing to celebrate the festivals in your verse.
But so you’re not ignorant or led astray by error,
June in fact takes its name from mine.
It’s something to have wed Jove, and to be Jove’s sister:
I’m not sure if I’m prouder of brother or husband.
If you consider lineage, I was first to call Saturn
Father, I was the first child fate granted to him.
Rome was once named Saturnia, after my father:
This was the first place he came to, exiled from heaven.
If the marriage bed counts at all, I’m called the Thunderer’s
Wife, and my shrine’s joined to that of Tarpeian Jove.
If his mistress could give her name to the month of May,
Shall a similar honour be begrudged to me?
Or why am I called queen and chief of goddesses?
Why did they place a golden sceptre in my hand?

layout by unequally@LJ.
banner by chthonian@GJ.

Schools:None listed
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Friend of:74: 9dayswonder, actthebear, agretos, alyttelgeste, aphanes, appointedtime, artificer, aurora_leigh, buddingmorrow, commonsensical, crowinthealder, crownandhoney, dispater, dryad, eidolon, eigengrau, enyalios, erinys, fieryarrow, forerunner, gallowsburden, girlfriday, goldenbells, guanshiyin, hesperos, heyjupiter, hezarafsana, horticulturist, infamyofcrete, inlonesplendour, interduca, ipsevenenabibas, itsaliving, karkinopous, kerdea, kore, lapucelle, lepidopterist, liesmith, limetree, liquidasets, littlegreycells, longsnakemoan, malakh, mercurymods, milesbetter, mimic, necocyaotl, nohardmatter, noirishnodogs, ohsnap, okouwa, oolissays, plentyncael, posthumous, profiteer, psychopompous, rockbottomriser, saltsea, sanguinetauri, seafoamborn, secondsight, settheory, sevenveils, shiva, silverbought, sofamiliar, solinvictus, songsofearth, spinneret, thoseberubies, vanadis, weftwarpwimble, wyrtgaelstre
Member of:1: mercurystanding
Account type:Early Free User
Date created:2008-05-31 18:35:07
Date updated:2011-09-25 22:12:48, 682 weeks ago
Clients used:Web: 2.0.0
Journal entries:3
Comments:Posted: 2 - Received: 1
Posting Access:1: mercurystanding

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