User: | inrunes (43811) |
Name: | inrunes |
Email: | arimala@gmail.com
Bio: |
The Runes At any given point in time there are 24 individuals of the Runic Kingdom that embody each of the runes of the Elder Futhark. Each individual takes on both the standard and ‘merkstave’ (negative) aspects of their rune, and it is often a struggle to keep these dispositions in check. Obviously what a person’s rune represents will dictate much of their life, but the decisions they make are just as important as those of anyone else.
To further isolate them, the 24 Runefolk are touched by the Gods. The ways in which they are blessed are entirely dependent on the God that blessed them. There are four Gods tasked with maintaining the Runes. Freyr and Freyja are in charge of the first eight, whilst Heimdall is in charge of the following eight. The final eight belong to Tyr. Each of the Gods is associated with particular attributes and it is usually these traits that they bestow strongly upon their Runefolk.
Information on the meanings of the runes can be found here and here.
FREYR/FREYJA'S ÆTT Freyr and Freyja are siblings of the Vanir - a group of Gods associated with fertility, wisdom and precognition. Freyr is the God of the sun and the rain. He is associated with weather, farming and fertility. He stands for both peace and bravery in battle. Freyja is the Goddess of beauty and love. She is associated with fertility, wealth, magic and prophecy. She also has connections to war and death - taking half the slain warriors to her hall, whilst Odin takes the rest.
 Fehu Wealth Audo Lófason - Ambassador to the Arcane Kingdoms. Gambler. (PB: Josh Holloway)
 Uruz Endurance Tár Steinsson - Horse breeder. Ex-military. (PB: Viggo Mortensen)
 Thurisaz Might Torbjörn Grímsson - Leech. Ex-military. (PB: Ray Stephenson)
 Ansuz Wisdom Walderik Viðarson - High Chieftan. Ruler of the Runic Kingdom. (PB: Liam Neeson)
 Raidho Journey Jóvina Társdóttir - Daughter of Tár. (PB: Mika Boorem)
 Kenaz Knowledge Runa Valdardóttir - Adopted daughter of the High Chieftan. Volva. Cliché. (PB: Unknown)
![]() Gebo () ? (PB:)
![]() Wunjo () ? (PB:)
HEIMDALL'S ÆTT Heimdall is the God of light. He is the guardian of the Gods and watches the bridge between Asgard and Midgard. He has heightened senses - able to see to the end of the world in any light, hear a single leaf fall, and is otherwise so alert that he does not require sleep.
 Hagalaz Inevitability Amos Taber - Likes ships. Parents hail from the Kingdom of Swords. (PB: Noah Hathaway)
![]() Nauthiz () ? (PB:)
 Isa Stasis Kale Víkarson - Training for the Military. (PB: William Moseley)
![]() Jera () ? (PB:)
 Eihwaz Tenacity Liv Mævadóttir - Warrior in the Military. (PB: Mena Suvari)
 Perthro Chance Sigrún Tumadóttir - Wife of the High Chieftan. (PB: Cate Blanchett)
 Algiz Protection Gudvar Árnason - Previous leader of the military. Now involved in training new recruits. (PB: Tim Roth)
 Sowilo Success Sólveig Brúnmansdóttir - Healer. Of wealthy stock. (PB: Kristen Bell )
TYR'S ÆTT Tyr is the old God of war and the new God of justice. He represents bravery and sacrifice - losing a hand so that the wolf Fenrir could be shackled. He inspires great heroism amongst warriors, and favours boldness and strength in battle.
 Tiwaz Justice Végeir Snorrason - Lawspeaker of the National Thing. Also involved in military matters. (PB: Matthew Goode)
![]() Berkano () ? (PB:)
 Ehwaz Loyalty Trygve Torbjörnson - Son of Torbjörn. Just completed his military training. (PB: Bradley James)
 Mannaz Mankind Hvatr - Secret. Bad influence on the High Chieftan. (PB: Alexander Skarsgård)
 Laguz Vitality Eilíf Dhiri - Misfit. (PB: Navi Rawat)
 Inguz Growth Sveinn Randarson - KIDFACE. (PB: Thomas Sangster)
![]() Dagaz () ? (PB:)
 Othala Inheritance Álof Ormgeirsdóttir - In the process of taking over her father's affairs in the old village. (PB: Sonya Walger)
Schools: | None listed |
Friends: | |
Friend of: | 5: acuportwo, allpentup, cutyouificould, staveitoff, thpaghettithoth |
Member of: | 2: arcanekingdom, arcaneooc |
Account type: | Early Free User |
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