application copy;
Character Name: Gaara Sabaku
Age: 18
Sexuality: Isn't interested, but wouldn't be attracted to women. If he's having sex, it would be with a very dominating man that almost forced it. So homosexual.
Role in company: A nice cozy desk job in human resources. Because he
cares about your problems. Really.
AijiBackground History: When a child is to be born, under usual circumstances, both parents rejoice and cannot bear to wait the nine months until their little miracle is out and spreading joy. Or something. In Gaara's case, he was the most unwelcome little miracle. Already having two children to tend to, Gaara's father wasn't too keen on the idea of a third. But his mother wanted just one more child, and what mommy wants, mommy gets. Though this time there was a problem.
The sickness she started to feel that had been mild with her two children before was getting progressively worse this time, and after a few emergency trips to the hospital, she was advised to limit movement and activity for the rest of her pregnancy, and was placed on a very strict diet plan. Gaara's father could only describe the child as a parasite, and heartlessly made the constant suggestion of abortion. But his mother just refused to give up on her unborn son just like that.
When the day of delivery came, to nobody's surprise, there were further complications. And when it came down to it, the choice was ultimately between losing the life of the baby, or the mother. To Gaara's father, the choice was clear. The baby had to go. But for Gaara's mother, the choice was different. So imagine the father's surprise when the nurse came out with the news that he now had a new son, but at the cost of his wife.
The only thing that saved Gaara's life was his uncle, the man who stepped in instantly and offered to raise the little bundle of joy. Gaara's father, wanting nothing to do with that "parasite," very easily signed the newborn baby over, and Gaara was set to spend his life under Yashamaru's care.
Gaara grew up relatively happy and cared for. His uncle was by no means an expert on children, or even overly nuturing, which would have been good to open Gaara up to some social stimulation. Because Gaara was home-schooled by his uncle as well, he missed out on those crucial social developmental stages, and because he was separated from his brother and sister, he couldn't even get it from them. He wasn't allowed to see his siblings while growing up, and while he knew he had them, and they had names, that was about the only thing he knew.
That was, until he was sixteen and his father died very abruptly and of unknown causes. Yashamaru told Gaara his father died from being miserable, so Gaara had no sympathy for his dead father. Since at this point his siblings were both old enough to live on their own, it was also the first time Gaara was formally introduced to them, though Yashamaru kept contact limited for fear that Gaara would leave him.
Though at 18, leave is exactly what Gaara did. Partially inspired by his siblings, and partially inspired by a burning curiosity, he left the home he'd grew up in. While Yashamaru didn't exactly like this, he still maintained his control by paying a portion of Gaara's rent. He had counted on the red-head returning to him once he realized life was too hard and confusing on the outside, but it so far has yet to happen. Although Gaara has only been living on his own for a few months, he has no plans of going back to living with his uncle. While he cares for his uncle, the outside world contains so much that was kept from him, and like a kid in a candy store, he's a little too fascinated with it all to give it up.
While emotionally stunted, education-wise, Gaara is only about a year behind the average high-school senior. His uncle did not hold back in teaching him the basics, and Gaara was granted a computer with internet access to further his studies. He kept an online blog for a few years though he never really said anything too interesting. A few people would comment to him, but he had a hard time holding conversations even online.
Finding out about the world of employment was an adventure in itself. Because he doesn't even have basic social skills, he's not exactly at the top of the list of people to be hired. While he can be a very hard worker, he'd never even get past the interview stage. Knowing he needed money to support himself, he tried at a company called Feel Good, INC. after seeing they needed someone for public relations. It also said, clearly, that no experience was needed. And he definitely had no experience in relationships with the public.
Upon applying, he found that position had been taken, so he just checked the option underneath. Human resources sounded interesting enough. And maybe they were just desperate for someone to fill the spot, or maybe he was just
so bad it'd be a good idea to keep employees from complaining but... For whatever reason, within the week, Gaara was hired and set up with his very own desk and everything. Although this gets loads of experience with people in this position, he's been slapped on the hand more than once for giving bad advice to employees with problems, like telling the female actresses to just kill themselves when it comes to the problems of their personal lives.
Personality, Likes & Dislikes: While some may argue that Gaara, in fact,
has no personality, it's the lack of one that gives him one. If that makes sense. He does have personality potential, I promise. While he's not the most social butterfly anywhere, and he seems to be on a different planet most of the time, he's incredibly observant and really just quiet. Even if he's indifferent to you, he will remember things you tell him, and he'll remember things you tell other people, too.
Which is only slightly creepy when you bring up something and he looks at you with a straight face and says "I know." Then proceeds to give you the date and time of when he heard you say it to someone else. He means well! While he's often mistaken for shy, that's far from the case. He has no social reservations and will walk right up to anybody and talk to them. If he was the talkative type, of course. In most, if not all, cases, you will need to be the one to approach him for conversation.
Gaara is not someone who is easily befriended, because it
will take a lot of effort on your part to get him to open up to you. Because of how he grew up, he's not entirely sure on how friendships even work, so he will need loads of guidance on the subject. He knows there's deeper emotional connections that exist because of what he has with his uncle, but how to get to that point, he doesn't know.
He's also naive to a point, and will believe most things you tell him if he trusts you. He takes most things he hears about your life as fact though, so you could be a street bum and tell him you're a millionaire and he'd take it as the truth. He doesn't understand how most basic human emotions work, and doesn't understand the act of tact. He was never around other children when growing up, so he never learned when to back off with what he says.
Which is most clear in his job, as he does give some of the worst advice ever. And he's not exactly comforting or understanding to anybody's issues. He lacks compassion and sympathy. He
is capable of feeling both, though, but like most things with Gaara, he has to be walked through it to really understand.
He prefers to be alone, though he would benefit highly from having one or two good friends. He's not one for social groups of a big party or gathering. He isn't afraid of large crowds, but he doesn't like them. He likes to feel safe and secure, and doesn't like being in a situation he doesn't understand.
He's never experienced stress, but he has experienced worry. He does tend to worry about some things, which comes from thinking too hard about a particular subject. He's afraid of being miserable, because he thinks it's possible to die from it. He doesn't want to die. He idolizes his mother, because of how Yashamaru would talk about her and what she did for him. He will take offense if someone ever says anything negative about his mother, but chances are that will never happen. He has respect for his uncle, and for most authority figures because he was at least taught that much.
But having respect doesn't change how he treats people. Basically, everybody gets the same treatment unless you've managed to get him to like you. So instead of the usual blank face and disinterested tone, you might be able to earn a small smile and get him to actually respond to you rather than give a one-word reply to everything.
He likes sitting alone in his office with his potted plant, and organizing the same files over and over. He likes hearing what people complain about, though he doesn't like giving them advice on it because he has no idea. He likes raccoons and wants a pet one, but has no idea how to go about that. He's a little afraid of having an animal live with him that depends on him. He likes to try to cook, though he's not by any standards good at it. He ends up getting takeout more often than not, but he will try and watch how the cooks in the back do things, so he can go home and mimic it. He likes the TV, and likes to watch educational programs. He likes to recite random facts that he's heard on television as well. He also loves reading books, and visits the library often.
He's always had trouble sleeping, even as a baby. Because of this, his immune system is highly weakened and he gets sick very easily. Which is another good reason for him to remain inside most times. Because of this, he often has circles under his eyes, and almost sickly pale skin. He often takes naps through the day, and sits awake all night watching TV and the same infomercials over and over again. His energy level is very low, as is his muscle mass. He's very small at only 5'1" and 110 pounds.
Sample Post:
First Person Today I have made the following discoveries.
The term "hillbilly," came from Ireland in the 17th century. It was intended to insult supporters of King William. By calling them "billy boys," or "hill billys." I am still not sure about it's common origin. I need to do more research.
Vikings often wore pink into battle because they believed it was a color of the Gods, and thus needed to be worn to keep the Gods happy. I do not know how much pink they wore, though I have a hard time imagining it to be a vast amount.
They say if you shake the hand of a corpse of a crusader and wish him well, you will be granted good luck. I would like to do this. The luck comes from the fact that not many crusaders had hands by the time they died. They were often lost in battle. Corpses of this time often had the feet cut off, as well. Coffins were made to be one size. If they did not fit they lost their feet. The feet were then thrown out.
I am enjoying the History Channel today.
Third PersonWhile Gaara was always told to be frugal with his money and to always keep it saved except for when he
needed something, now that he was on his own, he just couldn't help but give in to the occasional splurge. It was just the matter of finding right right one. There were plenty of strip malls in this area for him to choose from, and of course he went for the most upscale one, assuming that if it was good for people with loads of money then it should be good for him.
Though he wasn't impressed with what he saw. While some things said discounted, they were only about $2 cheaper. Was that even a discount? Wasn't there like, a certain percent that needed to be taken off? Taking off $2 was like saying it was a 0.46% discount. Well. Maybe it was best to just say "clearance," in big bright letters to attract people over. And it seemed to be working, people only looking at the new bright red price rather than the boring black one on the bottom of the tag.
He'd noticed something similar, too, when certain grocery stores would do "buy one get one free," promotions. While you did indeed get one free, you also had to pay more for the one. So it wasn't as free as you'd think.
And while he'd notice these things, he did nothing about it. He liked that customers were being deceived, and that he was the one to notice and and avoid the deception. He liked to watch the women run for handbags that weren't actually on sale, and to watch the housewives flock to the Triscuit boxes because they were buy one get one partially free.
But that aside, he was here to give into one buying impulse. Since he was getting tired from all the walking, he decided that the first thing to catch his interest would be what he bought, and then he would call the taxi back to pick him up. Gaara didn't know how to drive, and likely never would unless someone took the time to teach him. But in a city as big as this, driving really wasn't required when you had public transportation to rely on.
Walking a bit further down the perfectly polished tiled floor, something finally caught his eye. A mannequin fully dressed in head-to-toe in sheer, lacy lingerie. The material had caught his attention because it looked soft. And since it was the first thing that caught his eye...
Doing a b-line straight to the woman's store, he approached the clerk, face as unchanged as ever. When she raised an eyebrow very slowly at him, he pointed to the mannequin up front and said, simply, "I want that." Blinking twice, she tried to open her mouth to say something in questioning, but decided against it when his expression didn't flinch. She assumed, and hoped, it was for some girlfriend or something... though who would date someone so scary. Gathering some composure, she asked him which size he needed. Looking back to the display for a moment, he returned his gaze to her and restated, "That size."
Doing her best not to wince, the woman went to the back and retrieved the items, and rung them up for Gaara, who paid by debit card. He'd been excited when he first got it, and his first purchase had been a Kit-Kat. After the item was bagged, he turned to walk away but then stopped abruptly, nodding at her in what was supposed to be a parting gesture. "Thank you. Have a pleasant evening."
And with that he left the store, not caring that he'd just spend $120 on woman's lingerie that he'd never use or wear. It was a splurge, after all. And weren't you not supposed to use those? Right. It had been a successful shopping day, definitely.