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Harry Reesen ([info]in_reserve) wrote,
@ 2011-10-23 01:23:00

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Player (nickname, handle)/ LJ: Sands

Email: five_sands@hotmail.com

AIM (if you have one):

Character Name: Harry Reesen

Character LJ (if applicable): in_reserve

Physical description (face, build, weight): Average build but fit, 6'1, blonde, blue eyes. 

Age: 20

Birthday: April 9

Codename (if using one): Azurite

PB: (If using one.): Harry Goodwins

The indigo shard makes him highly resistant, he unconsciously absorbs the energy of the impact and stores it. This occurs both when Harry is conscious and unconscious as the shard is the one doing the work. Harry has the ability to absorb the energy from the different spectrums and store it so he can give the energy back and boost other teammates’ abilities during battle. The shard prefers the energy of the emotional spectrum rather than ones from physical impact.

The shard also lends him the abilities of flight, teleportation and an aura that allows him to breathe in space. It keeps track of how much he has absorbed by causing markings to form on his arms, starting at the shoulders, at full charge it’s at his finger tips and he can create indigo constructs for a limited time. He tends to hide them by wearing long sleeves. The markings appear briefly on his face when he is in the process of absorbing energy.

Weaknesses and flaws:

Harry cannot use the absorbed energy efficiently, in the event he needs to make a construct using one of the other spectrums energies while not at full charge, it almost instantly drains his power reserve. As a result he has very few battle-related abilities and cannot attack using the indigo’s abilities until at maximum charge.

Harry is normally highly resistant but if he ends up absorbing so much energy that he maxes out his absorption ability, he can no longer control any of the energy and is at his most vulnerable. The shard will try and protect it's host but all defense is reflexive and can be broken.

Magic can be used on him if the spells are to trap, stun, or immobilize him. Attempts at physical harm do little as do any attack that uses energy as a method of attack, the shard absorbs those normally.

Other than your basic fist fighting, which he abhors, Harry has no fighting capabilities when at partial charge. The ratios of colours he’s absorbed can affect him too, if most of what he’s absorbed is red spectrum then he’ll be more aggressive. But these effects only show up if there’s a large difference in relative amounts of colours and are relatively mild.

Character location/Home: Keystone City

Alignment (villain, hero etc): Hero

Team: New Guardians

Relatives (living/dead?): Lisa Reesen (mother/alive), Luke Reesen (father/alive)

Backstory: Growing up with constantly fighting parents made Harry hate fighting. To avoid his tumultuous home life he dove into volunteering. When he got older he tutored younger kids and often volunteered or worked for kid’s summer camps. By the time he was ready to go to college his mother had divorced twice and his relationship with her was on the rocks. Not wanting to fight anymore he moved out to Keystone to attend college and study psychology.
Harry becomes one of the six hosts of the fragments of the Entities of the Emotional Spectrum. He’s discovered that he’s invulnerable but beyond that he’s yet to experiment with his powers much.

How do you plan to introduce the character to the game?: Introductory New Guardians plot: http://www.scribbld.com/users/loveontherocks/306.html

What are you planning to do with this character? New Guardian plots and grow into his new abilities.

What do you want to see happen with this character?: Get better with his abilities, open up to people since he’s kind of reclusive, and be less timid.

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