Current mood: | thoughtful |
I think I'm gonna offer my services as a translator for extra cash on the side. The best sort of translator, too. 'Cause I got like... this sixth sense going on where I know what someone really means when they open their big, stupid traps. Take Sasuke for instance. When he says something like, "You're [insert smartass crap here about your mom/job/dog]" what he's really saying is "No one likes me. Give me a hug for cash so I can buy a personality."
And when Shikamaru goes "blah blah blah I can't make my letters big because that makes me ~different~" what he really means is "I am lonely. Won't you hold my hand?"
Just a theory.
Of awesome.
Services start at 200 yen. No pushing! Uzumaki is open all day. Except for robots or freaks. [So that means half of you need to shoo. Sorry. But you suck.]
They were easy, though. Sulky bitchy ones are always easy to figure out. He's not s'posed to be like that, so... Maybe the cousin knows something. GAH BRAIN COMING TO A HAULT. SCREECH. SCREEEECH. Why can't everyone just be little carefree blobs?! I like those. Blobs are cool and don't get angry at anything. And like Naruto. At least I think so. There's no reason for blobs to hate me.
I want my goddamn muffin already.[/PRIVATE]
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