Oh how I hate these things. But I got to second Cella. Answering the bloody questions gets a lot going and helps people figure out their characters. I'd like to at least try and figure out why Naruto does his Naruto thing and answering your requests would do just that.
That, and she had something right. The history/personality/issues of a character are near impossible to fit into an application and when you can't look into the future it makes things a bit difficult. Playing a character makes them grow I guess. Things happen to them which change them completely or moderately. They meet new people. Do new things. Screw Hyuugas. Point being a lot of things have happened to Naruto to turn him into the guy he is now.
So, what this means is by asking me a question, any question, about Naruto I can answer with whatever it is that comes to mind. Stuff that has been implied about him for so long but not actually set in stone. It would also clue anyone into why he's the way he is. What makes him a special snowflake. And will also help me a bit as well. So that I can give a good long moment to think about the why and how and when and where. All that fun stuff that a simple blurb wouldn't cover.
C/P MOMENT with minor adjustmentsAsk me any question regarding Naruto. ANYTHING AT ALL. They can be specific questions, or generalized questions. I will answer them all in this post. All the frivolous details included despite the way my fingers doth protest.
The 'no godmode on relationships' thing is the same here. I won't assume anything happened between your character and mine nor will I conjure one up off the top of my head. If my character knows your character and we have a history with them then of course I'll go off that. If mine doesn't then with time he totally will. Naruto is a pretty damn social guy so he's bound to get to you sooner or later. Questions about him in general are entirely appreciated as it would help me.
Needless to say, if you ask in this post "what's his opinion of ___" I will answer based on how much he knows them/has interacted with them. Because of course I don't have ENOUGH stuff to do. NO. NO WAY.
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