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Uzumaki Naruto ([info]impellere) wrote,
@ 2009-09-05 02:34:00

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Current mood: crappy


. . .

I thought the sparkles would make it better.

PS. It doesn't. But it does make it really fucking pretty.

PSS. I don't think I like muffins very much. Might learn to bake them. But I don't have pans. Only girls and cooks have pans. ANY GIRLS I KNOW HAVE PANS I COULD USE? I'll give 'em right back and even share. If like... they don't suck.

There's no room in this world for sucky muffins. Or broken ribs. Side. Hurt. Ow. Do you hear me. OW.

And when the deed is done there will be a muffin celebration. Anyone cool will come. Except not to my place. VOLUNTEERS WELCOME. DON'T BE SHY. I know some of you have to be cool so step up. D:

[SAKURA] come back and yell at me ok? i dont even care why.

just dont disappear forever. or something.

cus then id miss you

so come back.

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2009-09-07 06:19 am UTC (link)
You more.

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