You won’t admit to it | It makes no sense |
VOICEMAIL Cell: [text/voicemail/picture capable ♥] "So y'click this button and then- Is it recording? It didn't say- Shit! No, no how do you stop it fuckstoprecordingmeAUGH. Listen to me! I'm your master you piece of- Uh... Th-this is Naruto. Leave a message after the- [BEEP]" | PICTURE GOES HERE |
But I’m desperate to connect | And you, you can’t live like this |
✖ o1. Sakura - Pinky ✖ o2. Tenten - Muffin/Ten-bun ✖ o3. Neji - Albino-Chan ✖ o4. Kiba - Keebz/Mutt ✖ o5. Ukon ✖ o6. Ino - Sausage Wallet
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