-&& twenty-three ღツ
I'm so tired lately. Between this week and next week I'll have worked around 100 hours. And between this week alone I've sold about almost four thousand dollars alone in the first week of the month, which normally takes me usually a month. Which means when I get commission for April next month, oh god will it be sweet. My goal is to hit ten thousand dollars this month. Which means I'd get an extra five hundred on my paycheck, so I'd be really happy because that'd help me catch up on bills and such.
Two nights ago me and Shay had a really bomb ass date night. We went to Pizza hut for some Pizza then scooted off to Emagine to go see the movie The Ruins. Which by the way is an amazing movie. I really did enjoy it at some points. The gore was really graphic, and this is coming from someone who for a human anatomy final had to dissect a cat. I was very upset about have to dissect a cat but I had to, and once I got into it, it's interesting to see what connects to what and how it works. The only thing that freaks me out is I have a really over active imagination which caused me to think anything that moved was going to eat/infect me. I won't go into anymore detail because I don't want to ruin anything for anyone.
After that we got a call and went up to Denny's with Blake since we were meeting up with some people we haven't talked to in a while that are Shay's friends. I'm not a personal fan of the people, but that's just due to their actions towards me. They are friends of Shay's so I'm civil and nice, but that's about it. We thought we might have been going to a party, but that was cancled. So instead we went home, but as usual, my awesome roommate wanted to have sex with his girlfriend so we had to leave at 2 am for at least an hour (and when we came back he still wasn't done which is suck junk). While we were out we went to McDonalds because Blake was hungry and wanted to get food from his work. While there I had missed a call, from an Indiana number. I was kinda confused and before checking to see if they left a voicemail I called back.
Other person: Hello.
Me: Hi, I just recieved a call from this number?
Other person:Yeah what's up baby, I saw you at the bar last night.
Me: ... who is this?
Other person: Come on don't play like that, I was all up in your vagina.
Me: (during that whole thing..) who is this..? seriously.. who is this?
Shay took the phone then and started talking to the guy. He wouldn't respond. He apparently hung up. I checked for a voicemail and boy ever was there one. Talking all about how he was gonna eat me out and it'd sound like this, how fat bitches need loving to, how he knows I'm over 380 but that's okay (which kinda upset me.. made me almost want to just stop eating..) and ontop of it all made it known in the very start of the voicemail that he knew I was Shay's fiance.
So Shay called back. He called him out on who he was and apparently some of Shay's own friends were there (like Mike Vance and Sheldon) who were calling him out and talking shit about him. We are like, 100% sure that Kelsi was there, you can kinda hear her at the end of the voicemail. And we know for a fact that Emily and Tiffany were there as well. The funny part is that yesterday I called Grandma Karen for advice on it all (you see Kelsi has been pulling this kinda shit since October and just recently apologized so I expected it to be done.) and then tried calling Kelsi. Her cell phone was off so I called her home phone, her dad said she wasn't there, that she had stayed the night at Tiffany's. So I nodded, knowing that she was there now.
I called Kelsi later to talk to her about it. She at first tried telling me she stayed home that night to clean her room. Then I mentioned what her dad said. She suddenly remembers then that she had gone to Tiffany's at midnight about. And I ask her about last night then and the voicemail I got and she claims that she had nothing to do with it. That she gave her phone to Tiffany so she could call her mom if she needed a ride back. The funniest part is that Kelsi has a car. And drives. So I know she was there. That and once I got called, her phone was shut off. Oh and Tiffany AND Emily both have their own phones. Why need Kelsi's? So I know now that she's giving out my number or letting people get it who want to call and screw with me.
I'm not quiet sure what all to do right now. I'm just kind of annoyed. Grandma Karen said I should try to talk it out with Kesli. I know towards the man who called me at least I'm pressing harassment charges. Along with possibly on Kelsi too. I really want to get a PPO against Kelsi from contacting me anymore or coming anywhere near me. Because of all this shit, Shay doesn't want to go down and visit his own family anymore. Because Kelsi wants to be such a dumb little wench he doesn't want to even think about going down there again. So what does that mean? That means that more then likely, Kelsi is going to get in a lot of shit real soon.
Other then that, I'm really tired. Work was slammed yesterday and my boss was here most the day. Thank god my mother comes back tonight so she'll be back at work tomorrow. That makes me feel so much better. I have so much work around the house to do ontop of it all. I'm also going to fiddle around for a part time job working midnight shifts or something for some extra cash. I need something though. Other then that, I hope that everyone else is having a better weekend then me. Only plus side has been better weather! :]] Ciao folks!
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