-&& twenty ღツ
dear roommate,
please chip in for food. you eat here too, don't say you don't. be more considerate to what other people like to eat and how to cook it, rather not get sick. stop blowing all your money on video games and doing nothing but pissing me off. also please clean up after yourself and do your laundry sometime soon, it's starting to smell. thanks.
a very unhappy and broke/hungry roommate.
dear customers,
I would really appreciate if you don't all flood in all at once just because Denise is gone thinking you can take advantage of me. I'm not dumb. I'm her kid. I know how to check your records to see you're lying. Please stop yelling at me and calling me a liar just because you think you can bully me. I'm 20, not 2. I won't cry and run away. I will say thanks for your buisness and sorry we couldn't help you.
a very annoyed sales associate.
dear best friend,
you practically live at my apartment. help clean up. help with food. stop indulging on things that aren't neccessary and more of a luxury or stop eating my food and running up my bills.
a slightly disappointed best friend.
dear world,
please please please give shay a job soon. this is starting to really become ridiculous. he didn't even do anything wrong. seriously. why are you doing this to us? we want to make it. please?
a very worried fiance.
dear drama starters,
dropping this all would be nice finally. continuing to harass or shit talk only proves how immature you are and that you are bothered. really this is stupid. drama as a whole is stupid. is it really worth it to act like this and drag other people in? sweet baby jesus just give it up.
a very tired/done with all drama individual.
Sorry about that. I would post them in that community but I got banned for spamming. Yes computer spazzing. It's either that or someone had my password. But I fixed that problem either way. I think while I'm at work alone lately I'll be posting a lot. Hope no one is bothered by that. Other then Shay though, is anyone else really reading these entries? If not I'll just lock them down for just Shay and leave random ones out for people. I don't want to waste peoples friends page or bore them to tears.
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