ღ☆moving back maybe™☆ღ (![]() @ 2008-02-22 15:55:00 |
-&& six ღツ
So here is a general update as to how I am doing. I know I fail at keeping in touch with people and honestly updating. I just find it hard to talk about myself. I rather hear about others and read about them, sadly. I re-did my user info for now. I'm in the process of making Shay's and getting his together along with making his icons and layout. I'm also going to make myself three layouts for each of my journals. My private, this one and my graphics journal. I'd love to just lock entries here but I forget sometimes so it's just easier to have a journal all for those because then I won't forget.
First off, my grandpa just got out of surgery literally five minutes ago. He had gotten not a normal bypass but a quadruple bypass. Which made me seriously freak. He was only supposed to have a single, maybe a double bypass. The reason this all came about was because he had a heart attack on Monday. He drove himself to the hospital and then from there was put in ICU. My family and I were just informed yesterday. I called him before he went into surgery. It was nice to hear from him. I was seriously worried. Now we just have to see how he takes to it all and how well he recovers.
Things are not going so well for me right now though. I'm really tight on money, like really tight. I have this whole check going towards bills and Shay's whole check going towards putting food in the apartment since we have none and gas for my car. After the next two checks I should have money again. Unless we go see his family for Easter which could put a strain on things then. Hopefully by the end of March we'll be caught up on all of our late bills and be on track again so by June we can get an apartment and start saving up more money. He needs to get more hours or another job. And I'm considering getting another job as well part time somewhere. I need more money, this is just not gonna cut it and if I have to go with little sleep for a month or two to get on track I will. I can't keep letting us go without food or gas like this.
That's about really all that is imperitive right now and I don't know what else to really say. I'm feeling better, he's sick right now, and I'm just worried. I don't know what to do or how to go about it all. I just really hope things work out and soon. Not much else to really say, I suppose. I'm not really in a journaling frame of mind.
So here is a general update as to how I am doing. I know I fail at keeping in touch with people and honestly updating. I just find it hard to talk about myself. I rather hear about others and read about them, sadly. I re-did my user info for now. I'm in the process of making Shay's and getting his together along with making his icons and layout. I'm also going to make myself three layouts for each of my journals. My private, this one and my graphics journal. I'd love to just lock entries here but I forget sometimes so it's just easier to have a journal all for those because then I won't forget.
First off, my grandpa just got out of surgery literally five minutes ago. He had gotten not a normal bypass but a quadruple bypass. Which made me seriously freak. He was only supposed to have a single, maybe a double bypass. The reason this all came about was because he had a heart attack on Monday. He drove himself to the hospital and then from there was put in ICU. My family and I were just informed yesterday. I called him before he went into surgery. It was nice to hear from him. I was seriously worried. Now we just have to see how he takes to it all and how well he recovers.
Things are not going so well for me right now though. I'm really tight on money, like really tight. I have this whole check going towards bills and Shay's whole check going towards putting food in the apartment since we have none and gas for my car. After the next two checks I should have money again. Unless we go see his family for Easter which could put a strain on things then. Hopefully by the end of March we'll be caught up on all of our late bills and be on track again so by June we can get an apartment and start saving up more money. He needs to get more hours or another job. And I'm considering getting another job as well part time somewhere. I need more money, this is just not gonna cut it and if I have to go with little sleep for a month or two to get on track I will. I can't keep letting us go without food or gas like this.
That's about really all that is imperitive right now and I don't know what else to really say. I'm feeling better, he's sick right now, and I'm just worried. I don't know what to do or how to go about it all. I just really hope things work out and soon. Not much else to really say, I suppose. I'm not really in a journaling frame of mind.
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