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-&& nineteen ღツ [02 Apr 2008|01:23pm]
Finally some down time today at work. Since I opened there was a gentleman sitting outside waiting. I was really confused, due to the fact that no one really does that for this store, especially over 15 minutes before it opens being here before even I got here. (random note there are now a bunch of men in suits walking outside my store now, looking as if they're from the funeral home down the street... oookay life..) The first gentleman that I helped today who was waiting outside wants his shoes exchanged, again. He's done this once before. About every 3-5 months now comes in complaining that the bottom of the soles are completly gone. Especially in the ball of the foot, where the spring is. Now, he's a truck driver and is on the road of a month or two at a time straight. Don't you think that could cause the wearing in that specific area? He brought these shoes in and they looked wrecked. I explained that I can't do returns or exchanges without manager approval first. So now I'm waiting on my mom's plane to land (since they finally left this morning for Arizona) so I can get the go ahead or a suggestion for the man. He's already done two return/exchanges though, so she might just so eff him and move on.

Then when I had a moment of down time, Renee called to talk to me. (Yay lesbian mom who I love so much!) We chatted for a bit. I told her about the arguement I had with my parents last night, which led to two hours of me crying hearing that I'm nothing but a fat whore basically that is going no where in life unless I move back home. But I can't move back home. They smother me and bitch I'm out too much or never go out at all. They always make attacks on me, the people I hang out with, and the guy I'm dating. My dad especially. He tries to belittle me into submission to give in. Then him, who has been over weight for 20 years at least, told me I need to lose weight because I'm too fat. Well sorry. Sorry I eat due to stress and emotional issues and that you're not helping the very issue you want me to correct right now. Shay's noticed I do that though so he's been keeping an eye on my emotional status and eating habits so I don't spiral out of control. Like last night I'd have drowned myself in McDonald's fries if I had my way. (He's also helping me get away from drinking so much pop. So yay 2 liters of water a day again!)

After I talked to Renee though about tons and tons of things this really cute Japanese lady came in to get shoes for her mom that she's taking back to Japan with her. She said me and my mom were so nice she was going to bring us back things from Japan. She's so cute. I still want to go to Japan when I graduate college with Blake like we planned a few years back. I was iffy for a while but I really want to do that. (Right before we move to California baby!) And Shay is still all with going on the China trip with me up at GVSU that some old friends of mine told me about. I want to go primarily because I love traveling and I've heard so much about it. Plus with China slowly rising to be a bigger world power it'd be in my best interest to not be ignorant like others and learn about the people, the culture and the language. (Though Blake is going to teach me Japanese and we're going to learn it more fluently together because he loves Japan and the language, has since highschool.)

By the way, the cutest 81 year old lady came in here. I swore with the way she talked and dressed she seemed so much younger, like maybe 60 something. She was so sweet. I love old people and children. You can learn so much from both of them. Aside from that some crazy person thought it was a good idea to mess with the parking lot by running over a huge curb that seperates the two parking lots. Wow special people. Impatient much? Then agian our parking lot is packed, might have been their only way out since everyone seems to want to be blocking everyone else in. D:

I got my peasant skirts back from my house finally. I got them back in my senior year. One is white, one is brown. I usually only wear them in the summer but lately I've been feeling so icky and fat I haven't wanted to dress cute. I went running this morning though and I'm going to go running twice a day. Plus I'm cutting back on what I'm eating and how much, and taking pop out of the picture completly except for on occasion since that was my biggest problem really. So yay this summer being tan and cute! :]] I'll slowly post pictures as I lose weight for everyone to be blinded by see my progress as I lose the weight and see my cute new clothes as I get them. Mom also is fussing at me to keep my nails long and get manicures and pedicures regularly so I look more presentable. I'm having internal issues battling with my inner tomboy side that I've had since I was young, but I want to look better for myself and for Shay.

Yesterday was pretty interesting though. Me and Shay got his mom, grandma karen, my best friend blake and his sister all in really good practical jokes that ranged from us being in jail to us being in a really bad car accident. We were laughing for hours about it. It's the first year I've ever really pulled a practical joke. Though now grandma karen will probably eat me alive next time I go down to Indiana. @___@ Lol. It was funny though, and she thought she was safe because she stayed home! Mwahaha!

I think I'm gonna go to Borders later tonight or tomorrow night after I get home and go for my evening run to check out some books about Native American tales and some of the more spiritual books about them. That and some of the Egyptian lores and gods. I used to be very into the Egyptian patheon at one time then just kinda lost it along the way and haven't really reconnected with another pantheon yet. Need to start getting back into a more spiritual path. I think I'll add to my morning routine now meditation outside for at least 20 minutes. On days when the weather is bad at least in front of an open window. I love feeling the wind and breeze. Though the sun feels amazing today as well. Thank you Michigan for the sunshine back. :]]

Wow customers have been pouring in today. Yet I'm only at like $500 in sales. Because the ones that come in are asking about returns and such or have a really tight budget. Thank you economoy so much. I'm hoping I do really well while my mom is gone though so she doesn't fuss that I can't handle myself alone if she ever wants to go on vacation again. It's kinda nice, not as boring as I thought it'd be to take care of the store. Anyways, I'm gonna quit rambling now and I'll post later.

Shay, if you read this baby, I love you & miss you. Hope you had a good sleep after I left and that you're having a great day. As for everyone else, I hope you have an awesome day as well! :]]
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-&& twenty ღツ [02 Apr 2008|05:26pm]
dear ____ letters )

Sorry about that. I would post them in that community but I got banned for spamming. Yes computer spazzing. It's either that or someone had my password. But I fixed that problem either way. I think while I'm at work alone lately I'll be posting a lot. Hope no one is bothered by that. Other then Shay though, is anyone else really reading these entries? If not I'll just lock them down for just Shay and leave random ones out for people. I don't want to waste peoples friends page or bore them to tears.
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-&& twenty-one ღツ [02 Apr 2008|09:13pm]
1] Once you've been tagged you have to make a post about 6 weird habits, quirks or just facts about yourself, proving you're just as big of a freak as the person who tagged you.
2] In the end you need to list 6 other people to tag and put their names in your entry.

1. I don't know why.. but popping zits is really interesting to me. D:
2. I think it's funny to constantly smack my friend Blake.. lol. Though he is retarded sometimes.
3. I am terrified of needles but want lots of tattoos and piercings.
4. I'm really messy when I'm in the kitchen. (me too! and it always gets smokey most times.. though I'm getting better!)
5. I love meeting new people and being social but I'm so nervous and scared to get out of my safe zone that I usually just stay quiet.
6. I bicker about small things because I am scared of being happy (I think at least).
Tagging:[info]resiliency, [info]thisonething, [info]sandglass, [info]freckle, [info]aerith, && [info]sehnsucht
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