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-&& nine ღツ [27 Mar 2008|12:27pm]
[ music | paramore;; riot ]

Find Out Which Disney Girl You Are!
created with QuizFarm.com
You scored as Belle

Dancing furniture, singing spoons, and a man who needs a serious haircut - sound familiar? Well it should! Belle was a very independent spirit with alot on her mind, much like you are! But in life, there is a needed balance - learn when to speak your mind, and when to hold it back. Sometimes offending someone isn't the best way to go!

















Snow White


Aurora (Sleeping Beauty)











Oh and little side note, once a week, I got the idea off some old friends, I'm gonna do an mpfree, ie a free mp3 for people to download and listen to. This week it's gonna be Barlow Girls - Never Alone. :D I really lilke this song, hope you do as well! (Yes, sadly, this means after 7 days this file will be gone. D: Make sure to get it if you want it!)

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-&& ten ღツ [27 Mar 2008|05:55pm]
So first and foremost. I'm at work right now, there is an hour left in my schedule for today and I'm bored. What did I do when bored? I thought getting on scribbld would be a good idea. Like "hay, let's check my journal && see what people might have said". Yeah. That'd be cool. If it didn't eat the whole entry before that quiz. Literally. The whole thing. It's full of fail. So thanks scribbld. Even though I saw it posted at first and now you decided you're hungry so my life is tastey. Yeah.

I made icons for me and Shay of each other. I'm getting our user info's under way. Now I just need to find a layout I can input in the style area instead of in customization that has graphics on it. I'll credit the coding of course, but I wanna make my own graphics for me and Shay's layouts. And if anyone knows any good brushes for CS3 that'd be awesome. 

Side note, it's snowing and that makes me uber sad. Michigan needs to stop being bi-polar and be summer already. Seriously, it makes me super sad that it's not catching up yet and it's still snowing and cold. I wanna be able to wear cute clothes and go outside to work out so I can lose my weight. I wanna be down to 130 lbs by the time my one year anniversary comes up with Shay. That gives me three months of hard, solid work outs. Even if I'm just more in shape body wise I'd be happy. By the time I'm 21 though I will be in shape, skinny, have all my piercings and tattoos I want along with tan && supa' cute. :D That's my goal and I will make it. I have amazing friends, family & a bomb ass fiance supporting me.

I've only been eating like yogurt for breakfast with something small, salad or an apple for lunch and then something nice and filling for dinner. My main thing is I need to cut back on the soda, seriously. That's what's killing me. I'm getting better at eating healthy and have cut out the fast food but it only does so much. And starting Monday I need to start getting up at 6 am everyday and work out so I can work out, shower, then be to work at 10 am, or even earlier from now on. And then go for walks with Shay in the evenings. I can do this. I know I can. I just have to make myself follow through with it all.

For an actual update as to my life (and yes I will post daily, at least once a day of how I'm doing and what's going on along with make sure to pay better attention to my friends page) last night we finally found Brawl to rent. It's amazing. Before I came into work luckily we beat story mode on normal. Me and Shay are gonna spend time together and start tackeling the harder settings now. He loves that game so I figure why not play it with him. I like it too. And I'm bomb ass as metaknight. Haha. We didn't get to bed until 6 am though, and I woke up at 10:30 am going "Well.. my back hurts.. awesome". But all in all it was awesome.

Later I have a huge rant I had written about things that have been bugging me with my roommate lately. He's just kinda learned the right ways to piss me off and it's really making me mad. I had it all typed out earlier but it got eaten. So tomorrow morning I will type it all. As for when I get off tonight I have to go hang out with some friends and then when I get home will probably have a huge lovely mess to clean up from my roommate. God he pisses me off. But I've been doing better with standing up for myself and saying things when they happen instead of sitting on them. I might walk off for a minute, but then I come right back and say "F-that, I don't deserve it, we both are wrong, but jesus, apologize to me because that was out of line." Yeah. Blake was taken back and not happy when I did that, but it all got solved.

Next week is gonna suck because Monday - Sunday I have to work open to close due to my mom being out of town visiting my grandpa. Who is doing much better by the way since his surgery. Dad's going with her. They'll be in nice, warm Arizona, making their already tan from tanning bed selves even more bronze. I hate them. I'm still pale. I need to go tanning. But she bought me some more clothes to make up for is so that works. She loves to spoil me, and I will fully admit I'm spoiled. :D

That's about it for now though, I'll post more tomorrow, or maybe even tonight depending. And I'll cut the rant incase anyone doesn't wanna see me being all angsty about it. Until then.
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