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iggysayspop ([info]iggysayspop) wrote,
@ 2009-07-23 02:31:00

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Ignatius Prewett
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Ignatius Francis Prewett
17-March 17, 1925
Pure Pure Pure
Ignatius (Please call him Nate and NOT Iggy...) was always a mixture between two things. He was the categorized, intellectual neat-freak, and the person who liked going on Adventures with his brother. He was boring, but he broke rules. He was funny, but serious. He is ridculous. Everyone says so. He cant' decide WHO he is, and thus makes up his mind just being two things at once a lot of the time. Him going back on what he thought is a commonplace occurence, if not only because he rethinks things SO often. He is not by any means the most decisive person in the universe. He takes back dares and promises on a nearly daily basis, and it's probably very annoying to those around him. But he doesn't care. Not at all. He is pretty much the epitome of "Ravendor/Gryffinclaw." The hat knew he had both houses in him. He's brave, but not brave enough for it to be the most guiding factor in his life. That guiding factor is his intellect, and the Hat knew that. He was also placed in Ravenclaw mostly because his brothers and sister weren't. They were bad influences. (Just kidding?)

Nate is careful. He doesn't jump into things. He considers every decision...well there are exceptions to that. He'll leap if and only if he feels a large pull in his gut that tells him to do that. Then he'll be impetuous and make terrible decisions. The worst of these land him in detention, not death, so that's a blessing. He is charming to an extent. But he's very hesitant and quiet about that charm. He probably looks at the floor a lot so as to get people to not notice him, not the other way around. He doesn't much like attention, because he never received alot of it. He's very used to blending into the background and getting out of people's way. That is mostly his parents' fault. They never lavished the love on any of their children, meaning they rather had to raise themselves. And they did a damn good job, they say. Although the rooms are rarely ever clean, there's that.

As far as interactions with other people, he's cautiously friendly with a lot of people. He hangs mostly around his family and their friends, so if you have an "in" with the Prewetts, you likely have one with Nate. He doesn't GENERALLY discriminate because of the houses, but sometimes he'll find himself hating a Slytherin for no good reason. He figures it comes with the territory of being a Prewett. He likes reading and being quiet but the loudness of his brash, very Gryffindor brother Gideon brings him to that side, too. He is a contradiction and very confusing, and he likes being that way.
A lot.
Arietta Prewett- Mother. 38 years old. Married very young. Had children, does laundry, is the typical pureblood wife. All right, so really, she has the house elf do the laundry, and just sits and entertains visitors and things. There are alot of visitors to the Prewett home. Sadly enough, she often paid more attention to them than she did her own sons and daughters. She is a good mother on the times when she sets her mind to it, but that doesn't happen very often.

Albert Prewett- Father, 41 years old. He works at the Ministry doing god-knows-what until god-knows-how-late. Ignatius rarely, rarely sees him. He doesn't have that great a relationship with his father, because let's face it, it's awfully difficult to have a relationship with thin air.

Gideon Prewett- Brother, 20. He was Ignatius' father figure, and the person he admires the most. They were far apart in age enough to clearly determine that Gideon was clearly in charge at any given moment. And Ignatius respects that. Very much so.

Steven Prewett- Brother, 20. Well all right, so he has TWIN older brothers, but Steven's the opposite of Ignatius and Gideon and often got left behind in childhood games. He works in the same department at the Ministry as Albert and is very quiet and studious. Ignatius doesn't like him much. He thinks Steven's boring. He's right.

Caroline Prewett- Sister, 18. She graduated Hogwarts and married, and Ignatius hates her husband and will NEVER FORGIVE her for it. All right, that's a lie. He'll forgive her someday. But he thinks she just threw her life away, basically.

And finally
Maryanne Prewett- 15. His darling little baby sister who is in Gryffindor and who he adores, and that is the end of that story
It is awful being born almost in the middle of a five child family. Because you never know exactly how you're going to turn out. That is the tale of Ignatius Francis Prewett. He was born on a dark night in 1925 to two purebloods who felt their main duty in life was to further the family name. They'd already succeeded twice, giving to the world two sons to carry on the name and a daughter to marry off to the most fitting buyer. But then, surprise! Arietta fell pregnant again. And this time, there were no surprises, no twins. There was just the one little boy, born blonde and screaming into the world. He was a very sickly baby, and would have taken up a lot of his parents' attention, had they given it to him. Unfortunately, they were not the hands-on type, and sent him to St. Mungo's with a string of nannies who never really cared about him much, either. So he amused himself the best he could. This was mostly by books. He loved books, all sorts of them, but especially ones about adventures and danger. He liked placing himself in the heroes' shoes. And because he couldn't go outside much, he pretended to. He was a lot different than his rather loud and rambunctious brother Gideon, but that didn't mean that he couldn't idolize Gid for all he was worth. He liked nothing more than to hear his brother's stories about the wild out in back of their house. Of course, few to none of these stories were true. But he liked them anyway.

He got better when he was about eight, slowly coming out of his baby-toddler-early elementary years and growing stronger. He of course took this opportunity to go outside more with Gideon in the summers, running around and playing like a normal child. But he wasn't EXACTLY normal. He liked to categorize things. He put them in boxes and alphabetized them. This of course led to teasing on his brothers' parts, because it was weird. No OTHER eleven year old boy went to Hogwarts with a collection of feathers found in his backyard, did they? No, they didn't. And they certainly weren't labelled with pictures of the bird that flew away when someone got too close. But he did. Ignatius did. He went to school and laid all his things carefully in his trunk. His parents had stopped their neglect for a little while to get him supplies for going on the train, so he knew this was a very big deal. Gideon, Steven, and Caroline had all been sorted into Gryffindor, it was rather a Prewett tradition. So of course, he thought he was going there too. But the sorting hat took one look at the categorized minefield of dreams that was his brain and shouted him firmly into Ravenclaw. And he had no idea what to do with himself there. From the very start, he felt that he didn't belong. That he was rather a freak, the outcast not-smart-one of the Ravenclaws. He made up for that by proving that he COULD be smart. He got top grades in all his classes, and while he wasn't naturally the brightest in his grade, he made damn sure that he looked it. He tried to appear effortlessly on top of things like his older brother. And he failed, naturally, at first. But the cocky attitude was rather catching, and once he was about fifteen, he became very good at it.

Unfortunately, by fifteen, the geeky damage was done. He became a prefect. Fortunately, he was probably the worst prefect that Ravenclaw has ever seen. He lets people escape after curfew, lets them smoke in the hallways, and joins them if they have contraband alcohol. Yep. He's a failure at being a responsible prefect.But the title was given and it couldn't be relinquished. He does rather enjoy the bathroom. He got loads of OWLs. All O's except Potions, in fact. He wants to be an Auror or something exciting like that. He doesn't like the idea of bloody rotting away at the office like his brother and father do. He wants to be out there. Doing things. As far as the war goes, he likes the idea of fighting in it someday. Because honestly, he has neighbors and friends who went out to the war, and they never came home...or came home in coffins. He wants to fight, and he's stubborn enough that he probably will go to war. He likes entertaining people with that story of his future. Because he's going to do it. And he'll become a general because he's so smart.
Please don't try to tell him otherwise.
Being Quiet
Being Loud
His brother Gideon
His sister Maryanne
Having fun
Chocolate Frog Cards (he has them all!)
Soldiers-becoming one, especially
The Prefect Bathroom

His brother Steven
His parents
Pureblood craziness
Prejudice in general
Everything else having to do with being a Prefect

Hunter Parrish!
Anything else you feel is important:
He has a grey owl named Hoots and was named by his creative little sister. Oh yes, that's about all. You will love him, he is awesome. That's definitely all. My cat has a cold.

writing sample.

Too bad. I refuse. I won't do it. And you told me I didn't have to, that too.

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