This is a letter to Deb, I will post what she wrote in her journal. . . .
Deb's Post:
I am Cloud's inability to pay for everything since rent went up
2/25/08 08:49 pm
One more rl thing.
The net is about to be turned off because we can't afford to pay the net bill...I hate doing this...but if any of you can help me I'd appreciate it. I feel so fucking low asking. We need 136 dollars to keep it on. We've got 24 of it but's not going to be enough. Any little bit can help.
...I hate being able not to do anything when shit like this happens...
my paypal is
thanks guys.
Evil Ed & I: Boo Hoo, you wont have internet, welcome to my world boo hoo.
I feel so sorry for you, but I try to feed my self and pay for rent by my self. . .that over 500 dollars with out utiltys and water, car payment and insurcents payment. on an 8.00 hour job. And your bitching about internet?
1. Grow the fuck up and get a job. You can live with out internet try living with out food like I have.
2. Maybe you shuold quit begging your friends over something so peddy.
3. If you can't live with out internet go down to the libray and use it there. If there stuff on your computer you need then it means it time to be a big girl and get a JOB~! TO PAY FOR YOU BILLS.
4. Quit feeling sorry for your self, there are people out in the world with bigger problems then your net issue little girl.
5. Quit pissing everyone off, you need to grow the fuck up and stop getting babyed by everyone and every singing person you know you need to stop being a self centered bitch and look at others around you and not just your stupid self and problems.
You tell people your nice but till they get to know you they start to hate your guts get over it and be a fucking adult and do something for your self and not anyone else you don't need to be babyed all the time. If you can't do that then you need help you need to be put back into pre school and learn about sharing with others and learn your baises on life. The world dose not revolve around you if it did we all would be so screwed by you.
You also need a change of attitude cause no one will like you or trust you on your word for everything cause you can't be an adult about anything.
At last not least welcome to the real world you little bitch. GROW THE FUCK UP!
For the WE people who live there you need to rethink you prioritys.
mood:  annoyed music: Dark Stalkers |