I Fear The Moon's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
I Fear The Moon

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Mini-mass updates... [15 Jun 2012|01:11pm]
I'm doing a mini mass update (one post per journal, no matter how many peoples use it) because it gives me something to write without forcing too much and also ensuring that each journal gets logged into so I may add my newest collection of head dwellers to the mix. :)

In addition to adding my new journal of characters to the mix I was planning to bring back my island fools, even if just to play in the "main land" game. Do you all have an opinion? Should I? Should I leave things as they are right now and just let the islanders relax while nothing is going on? I dunno. Knowing me, I'll make them just because my people love the attention and hate being trapped inside my head all the time. They need air every so often.
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[ viewing | June 15th, 2012 ]
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