18 August 2008 @ 02:37 pm
oh oh three  
You know, for all the shit people are pulling about this, I can't really see what the big deal is. The Ministry is trying to protect people from the fucking crazies out there. I think it's a reasonable idea but the tattoo part was a little extreme. Maybe just a pass card or something.

I think comparing the new system to Nazis is offensive. Muggleborns should be glad that the government is protecting them until the zealot factions are under control. If they were after Purebloods, I would want to be protected. Not that people would have a reason to single out Purebloods
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Andrea "Drea" Johnson: angry; arguing bug eyed[info]feminist on August 18th, 2008 09:18 pm (UTC)
You would want to be protected by having a highly visible symbol on your hand? It's a fucking target, a mark so they know who doesn't have at least one magical grandparent.

And there is nothing offensive to comparing this new system to Nazi Germany. Hitler placed tattoos on anyone who entered a concentration camp, a number on the back of their wrist. He thought of the Jews as lesser than the Aryans and "took care" of them accordingly. Subjecting anyone in our modern time to place a fucking symbol of heritage anywhere on their personage, a permanent symbol is the same as placing a number on a Jew or a gay.

Perhaps the Ministry has their heart in the right place, but they're going about it in a completely wrong way.
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FeRRiS | GeoRGe: jaw set[info]idleellipsis on August 18th, 2008 09:37 pm (UTC)
Didn't I saw the tattoo part was a little extreme? Can you actually bother to read what I was saying before you flip a shit on me? Merlin Cooper.

And the difference here is that Hitler was trying to destroy the Jews, not help them. The Ministry cares about Wizards. Tattoos might not have been the best thing, but they're harmless enough. No one is making you shave your heads or sending you off to death camps, Cooper.

Also, a lot of people don't believe that what happened in Nazi Germany actually happened. Many people think it's just an international lie so people using that comparison should pick something more widely accepted.
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Andrea "Drea" Johnson: pic#115930[info]feminist on August 18th, 2008 09:43 pm (UTC)
Oh, I read it. I just completely disregarded it due to the sheer idiocy of your next statement. Don't treat me as if I'm stupid, Ferris.

No, but it all started with stars of David on clothing and snowballed from there. How can you expect anyone to place their trust in a government that can pass such an extreme law? If they really wanted to protect us, they would find a better way in which to do it.
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m i r a n d a: pic#91415[info]stageleft on August 18th, 2008 11:09 pm (UTC)
You're such a stupid bitch.
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