25 June 2008 @ 02:15 pm
oh oh two  
Back from a quick trip to the states to check out the teams. I wouldn't have a problem getting scouted if I was on the flippin' house team but I've got to come up with a way to get them to catch some summer matches. Training starts soon for them so Merlin only knows when they'll get around to it.

Anyone for a pick up game?
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phoebe ❀: pic#107322[info]feebees on June 25th, 2008 09:10 pm (UTC)
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FeRRiS | GeoRGe: holdup[info]idleellipsis on June 26th, 2008 04:22 pm (UTC)
Smethwyk right?
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phoebe ❀: pic#107314[info]feebees on June 28th, 2008 04:36 pm (UTC)
Smethwyck, but yeah! I think it's really unfair that Slytherin doesn't let girls play, I mean--the Harpies are one of the best in the league!
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FeRRiS | GeoRGe: cheyeahh[info]idleellipsis on June 30th, 2008 02:15 pm (UTC)
Yeah, yeah.

Remind me why we haven't hung out yet. You know your stuff, the Harpies kick ass.

I'm working the team still, I've got one year left, it could happen. Depends who they make captain. It's a crock of shit Slytherin, really.

Ravenclaw had a fantastic season last year. We were lucky to pull it together. This year though, it's on, Smethwyck.

Where do you usually putt around in the summer?
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