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Roy Harper/Red Arrow ([info]i_can_hit_that) wrote,
@ 2010-11-07 12:11:00

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Father-Daughter Time
Roy Harper never expected to be a father, especially not at this point in his life. He always knew it was a possibility the way he and Jade used to carry on.They lived in the moment because they didn't know where tomorrow would have them, just like every time he he fired an arrow.  Years ago, when it was just him and the Titans, they could afford to play it by ear. They never had to have a real plan because they would always win; they were the partners of the greatest heroes to walk the Earth. How could they lose?

Now, as Roy looks across the room at the eight year-old girl munching on popcorn (and she's going to eat it all if he doesn't get over there), he realizes that his life wasn't complete /until/ Lian arrived.

"All right, Kiddo. We've got popcorn, juice and Skittles. Anything else we need?" he asks. "Star Wars is  a sacred film that cannot be stopped once started. We must follow the path no matter what happens. Do you understand, young Lianakin?" Roy asks solemnly.

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2010-11-07 07:42 pm UTC (link)
"Excellent. The Force is strong with you; you shall become a great Jedi and archer someday soon." Roy says, picking up the remote.

"Now press Play and prepare to be rocked by the awesomeness that is Episode III!" Roy grins, giving his daughter a kiss on the forehead.

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2010-11-07 08:38 pm UTC (link)
Lian grinned. "Uncle Ollie said he was going to start teaching me, soon."

She saluted him. "Yes sir!" She pressed play on the DVD player, before scrambling back to the couch, nestling up against his side.

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2010-11-07 08:52 pm UTC (link)
"Of course he will. And after he teaches you the basics, Dad will teach you all of the advanced stuff." Roy grins, settling in to watch the movie.

A little bit later...

"Okay, Kiddo. What was your favorite part of the movie? Who's your favorite character?" Roy says, turning off the Blu-Ray player and looking down at Lian. He hoped she hadn't nodded off like he had, though it would prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that Lian was his kid if she could sleep through anything.

Jade was the first person to say that about him. His heart missed her, despite the fact that his brain screamed at him for being so silly. He couldn't let Lian see something like that from him. It might bother her.

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2010-11-08 01:11 am UTC (link)
Lian had watched the entire movie intently, not even noticing when Roy nodded off.

"I liked the lightsaber fights," she said. "Those were cool. And Yoda and Mace Windu were awesome." She furrowed her brow. "But...Uncle Wally said that it was illegal to kill off Samuel L Jackson in a movie? Is George Lucas going to get into trouble for doing that?"

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2010-11-08 02:12 am UTC (link)
"I think he already is, Lian. There are lots of angry Star Wars fans who think George Lucas really messed up by killing off Mace Windu.

But even more people will tell you he messed up by hiring Hayden Christensen in the first place." Roy chuckles.

"We should go as Jedi for Halloween next year. What do you think, Shrimp?" he asks.

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2010-11-08 02:25 am UTC (link)
"He looked silly," Lian said. "His eyes and his fluffy hair made him look like an angry cat."

She broke into a grin.

"Yes! That would be awesome!"

Daddy was the only person that got away with calling her Shrimp.

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2010-11-08 03:17 am UTC (link)
"Awesome. I'll set it up." Roy tells her.

"So what do you want to do now, Lianakin? Today is Father-Daughter Hang Out Day, so we can do whatever you like, within reason." Roy says.

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2010-11-08 03:32 am UTC (link)
Lian thought this over for a second.

"Pizza? Then...maybe archery practice?" She grinned. "You have much to teach me, Jedi Master Daddy."

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2010-11-08 03:40 am UTC (link)
"Hm." Roy says, imitating Yoda. "A wise plan you have, Lianakin Harper. Much wisdom you show in the seeking of pizza, followed by the practice of archery.

I will complete your training and teach you the ways of the Arrow. You shall be the greatest archer ever." he says, imitating Darth Vader. Then he bursts into laughter.

It was nice being able to be silly with his daughter, if only for a bit. He still had to figure out a lot of things, like what he'd do to secure her future financially, and if they'd stay in this penthouse apartment, but very little of that mattered when he could see her smiling.

"Pizza it is. I'm getting pineapple, fair warning. What do you want on it?" he asks.

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