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Roy Harper/Red Arrow ([info]i_can_hit_that) wrote,
"Hm." Roy says, imitating Yoda. "A wise plan you have, Lianakin Harper. Much wisdom you show in the seeking of pizza, followed by the practice of archery.

I will complete your training and teach you the ways of the Arrow. You shall be the greatest archer ever." he says, imitating Darth Vader. Then he bursts into laughter.

It was nice being able to be silly with his daughter, if only for a bit. He still had to figure out a lot of things, like what he'd do to secure her future financially, and if they'd stay in this penthouse apartment, but very little of that mattered when he could see her smiling.

"Pizza it is. I'm getting pineapple, fair warning. What do you want on it?" he asks.

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