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Names are for friends... so I don't need one. ([info]hylian) wrote,
@ 2008-10-25 15:19:00

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Current mood: blah

Echo of shattered thoughts ??
Boo. So I've got all my stuff as about as organized as one can with just cardboard boxes and a bed. @_@ I'll talk to Donald and set the 360 up downstairs later and maybe Mo and I can play some Katamari. :3

Soon, I will take pictures of this room... and show everyone the madness. :x the insanely nerdy-rainbowy-cuteshitness of a room... There's even a fucking.. blythe-doll thing. @_@ I'm gonna make her naked... though, honestly.. huh, she has the body of a six year old..... >>

oh woah.. hey, looks like I have my own mini fridge in here, too. :B

I've got my hardrive hooked up now, too...now, I'm just going to have to talk Donald into giving me an administrative account on here until I get my tower... which, I guess is only two weeks from now.


and sadly..that isn't even all of them. She just got this one from a convention in UK that a friend sent her for free... and I'm not gonna lie.. it does look pretty awesome. @_@ It looks like it has tattoos...

Then we get to the less embarrassing side...

and then my bed. :3

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2008-10-26 01:33 am UTC (link)
Batman bed = epic win.

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2008-10-26 01:38 am UTC (link)
I'm like a little boy. :3 But, it's soft. Probably softer than batman's skin would have been. :o

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2008-10-26 01:38 am UTC (link)
....holy crap, that's a lot of ponies.

Your bed is epic.

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2008-10-26 01:41 am UTC (link)
You have no idea. T__T They have more shit just laying around in storage boxes, too. And every time I came over before I moved in she's always like "OOO, COME LOOK AT MY NEW PONIES ! :D" I'd count... but, I think I'd die. >>

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2008-10-26 06:34 pm UTC (link)
o hay bruce i c u thar actin' all fuzzy

The My Little Ponies? Frighten me. Severely.

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2008-10-26 11:25 pm UTC (link)
Yeah. My roomate is obsessive. :x

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