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Names are for friends... so I don't need one. ([info]hylian) wrote,
@ 2008-08-13 00:07:00

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Current mood: SHITTY

.Round-house Kick.
Dumbly enough... I let Des talk me into going to the Seattle tattoo expo...

....much money was spent.. MUCH MONEY. @_@ Blood, my god, I hate it when the skin peels. It looks so ugly right now. T_T

Amusing that they always have to shave the area.... bald spots are always attractive. xD

Oh yeah.. I went there. Need a hair cut. @_@ I know I'll hate myself a few years down the road for it.. But, I don't give a shit. NO, It is not as ugly as it looks. One, it's a weird position, it's rolled. Two, the picture is days after I got the tattoo so it's dry.. and peeling now.
Yeah, fuck you.. I am that gay. Gay enough for a mindless pony. GAY ENOUGH TO WEAR POLOS. @_@ AND YES, MY NECK DOES LOOK HUUUUGE IN THIS PICTURE ? AM I FAT ? I DON'T KNOW ! D<

Looks like a fat boner. XD AWESOME. Like a fuckin' elephant trunk in the front of those shorts. x3

Anyhow. Robin Williams was there, apparently two of the chick artists I saw were from LA ink. The japanese dude from Miami Ink(can't recall his name) was there, possibly getting a tattoo. Nashville Pussy played, Tiger Army played. Fuck it was badass. @_@

Des got me a tattoo gun for my birthday, because ... I've been told I should go into the feild for years.. and I'd like to.. I'll just have to wait on an apprenticeship, because I'll be living in a shit-ass-hickville for a long while. It's a pretty nice gun.. got a bunch of needles and tips with it, too. They're so simplistic. xD
My parents got my a new computer chair.. which hurts like hell. @_@ buuut, when I told Em that she got all butthurt... eehh they also got my some expensive Vodka and a little bit of money.

but, really... WORST. DAY. EVER. Got up at 2:30am..then again at 5am. Went to work. Sat at the Department of Licensing for two hours, picked up my Mustang.. WHICH HAS THE WRONG PART, PUT ON INCORECTLY. :D YEAH NOT GOING ANY FURTHER THAN THAT ABOUT THAT RIGHT NOW... ran errands til 5pm, came home.. got the chair (which, btw, i knew they wanted to get me forever now, and I specifically asked beforehand that they please don't do it..) uhh, had to blow out my candles while my mother bawled her eyes out (TRAUMATIZING), none of my friends remembered... didn't even get to go to a bar. T__T Ended up sulking in my room until 10pm when Des finally dragged me out.. We picked up Hachi and went to Applebees for a couple drinks.. but, really, i only ended up having one..because they were really expensive and Des was paying, so I felt like shit.

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2008-08-13 03:55 pm UTC (link)
wtf xD I love you. You should give me MY tattoo. :D IT'LL BE AWESOME! I'm scared of people anyway. -.o

I like your pony. :3; THE MSI ONE, THE MSI ONE! slkdjf do the pony @_@

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2008-08-14 06:34 pm UTC (link)
lawl, I'd only give you one if I got really good at it. @_@ and .. You know.. I'd kinda have to be in the same area as you. XD

You like my pony. :]

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2008-08-16 07:30 pm UTC (link)
XD; NAAAAAW, I think you should do it anyway, so that way when you fuck up I can be like 'AWWW AND THIS IS FROM MY SEMEKUN SEE THE LOVE?' and everyone will be like 'holy shit what the fuck is this? O____o'

THE MSI ONE. ;-; We were driving in the car yesterday, and there was a sign for a mini festival thing, and it was like PONY RIDES FOR THE CHILDREN! aklsdj ;-; please no

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