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Names are for friends... so I don't need one.

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What has been seen....cannot be unseen. T__T [13 Jan 2009|02:01am]
[ mood | uncomfortable ]
[ music | The Reverend - It hurts your daddy bad ]

*throws up in his mouth*... So...I haven't been on /b/ in a while....and I kind of wish I would have kept it that way. T__T
I mean... I just can't NOT click something when I see it... and as fucked up as my head is... I just think I didn't really want to see a six year old spreading herself for a perv with a camera. T__T Doujins and whathave you.. are one thing.. but a real.. idk, I feel a little uncomfortable now. >>
I refreshed it and they're gone.. looks like I was just so unfortunate enough to open the thread at the most ... Ugh
......................... I won't sleep now. @_@ BLEACH MAH BRAIN.
Yet...I remain undisturbed by gore guy...he rocks my world...

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[ viewing | January 13th, 2009 ]
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