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Names are for friends... so I don't need one.

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Batfuck. D [28 Jul 2008|02:41am]
I suppose... it's grown on me. And I wonder how many fucking times I'll waste 20 dollars to see it. Ho-hum. *sighs*
I still feel it's ruining my childhood... but, I guess there aren't so many untruths in it as I had originally bitched about. I guess there are even some things that are better.

I do have one thing to say to you. I hope it's all you'll be able to think of now.
When Bale is "The Batman" ... and talks in that voice... yeah, he sounds like Nathan Explosion.
Just think about that one.
Even the biggest batman lover I know admitted it sounded like him.

Yes. Brutal. :]
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There is no you, there is only me [28 Jul 2008|03:28am]
[ mood | nauseated ]

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