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Names are for friends... so I don't need one. ([info]hylian) wrote,
@ 2008-07-28 03:28:00

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Current mood: nauseated

There is no you, there is only me

(Yeah, during this part..with the strobing blue and red/pink... holy SHIT it made the pit/general admission look like they were pulsing up towards me, I felt like I was on acid. @_@)

And I find something to bitch about with everything, so you know It had to have been good.. but, seriously..as much as I think his new stuff sucks compared to his old.. HOLY SHIT IT BLEW MY MIND. If you're looking for concert to go to, Nine Inch Nails will not disappoint. Shit, even if I hated them, I STILL would have loved that concert. Seriously, JESUS EVERYONE NEEDS TO SEE IT AT LEAST ONCE. It was so badass. xD
They had these like.. screen-chain-mail-curtian-dealies... at first they were just hangining in the air, then they lowered them and they just had colors.. so I thought maybe it was a bunch of LEDs... BUT OH MY GOD, THEN THEY WERE LIKE SCREENS.. @_@ And... god, I can't even explain it...

Trent Reznor is a egomaniac.. and he has a fat ass. O_o which is bizarre, I mean ghetto-booty like waoh.

anyway.. Yeah.. okay, picature story time. :D

I'm psoting a clip of this one,because it was so cool, so the one in front of and the one direcly behind the band is like... the light curtains with rain, it looked awesome, and Trent's got like.. THE biggest wood Xylophone I have ever seen. XD

MOST BAD ASS PART DURING THE WHOLE CONCERT.. They had this random blue image up while the music was slow and they were moving stuff around on the dark stage.. and then suddenly Trents face pops up, all obscured to one side of the curtain... they had some camera all up in his face for this effect.. I could have shat, it was so cool. O__O

In this one, one of the guys was standing in front of one of the curtains touching the blank squares and they would change colors.

The whole curtain deal was just static like that, except for when trent would get close to it, it would go blank where he was at behind it.

rolflobster.. okay... the very right bottom corner was a toilet in the girls bathroom.. XD later in the song, a girl walked in there, and started doing her business and talking on her phone and shit. I have a pic of her on the toilet, too.. I just hate uploading stuff on dialup.. maybe later. One of them was on the audience most the time, one was a girls bathroom sink, one was on the band, and i foget the rest.

Josh Freeze, being awesome.

asfjkafhkj THIS ONE IS SO HARD TO EXPLAIN.. OKAY... I'll try.. all three curtains were down.. one in front of the band, one directly behind them, and one way behind them... and all around them they had dropped random light.. thingys down they were like long bars of what the curtains were made of... and they were just swinging all over the place around the band.. and then the image of those was mirrored all over the curtain screens and.. god, I can't describe it. XD but it was cool. XD

uggggggggggggg anyway.
Seriously. We were the first stop for the tour.
Anyone who will read this.

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2008-07-28 05:10 pm UTC (link)

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2008-07-29 12:35 pm UTC (link)
lawl, my tickets were free. XD my dad won them on the radio and gave them to me.. He just wanted to answer some ozzy osbourne song question. That's why I was in the seats and not general admission..

Buuuut, tickets for seats were only like 35 dollars. @_O

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