Cian Spector's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Cian Spector

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Math Sucks [13 May 2010|07:19pm]

Cian was at home in the kitchen working on his math homework.  He was so glad that high school would be done soon. He was ok at math but it definitely wasn’t his best subject and in college he knew he would only have to take one more math class and he could be done with it forever.

The current problem was giving him trouble, he would ask someone for help but Mom was at work, if you could call going to a baseball game to write about it later work and Dad was taking care of Violet. So he was just going to struggle through it. Once he was finish with his homework he was going to take his motorcycle that grandpa Marc had gotten him as an early graduation present over the Avenger’s Manor for some training and to hang out the people there.

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