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narcissa fucking black. ([info]huffing) wrote,
@ 2009-02-15 12:25:00

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I woke up this morning and saw something at the foot of my bed that made me believe in things like second chances. I don't care what Mother thinks, maybe there are a few exceptions.

Do not get me wrong, these are very rare and do not happen with a happy face because I simply do not want to forgive people easily, but maybe a stupid holiday like Valentine's Day is a day to, you know, forgive. It feels so strange.

Thank you, to whoever that admirer is.

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2009-02-17 05:12 am UTC (link)
Say what now?

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2009-02-17 05:17 am UTC (link)
The poem was written by a muggle. I think a muggleborn sent it to me.

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2009-02-17 05:21 am UTC (link)

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2009-02-17 05:24 am UTC (link)
I know. I don't know who though.

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2009-02-17 05:26 am UTC (link)
Why not?

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2009-02-17 05:54 am UTC (link)
No name, and no one has given any hint of it to me or anyone that knows me.

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2009-02-17 04:05 pm UTC (link)
That's interesting.

What makes you think it's from a muggle-born?

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2009-02-17 08:45 pm UTC (link)
There aren't too many muggle poetry books in the Library, and would anyone we know use muggle poetry?

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2009-02-19 04:19 am UTC (link)
You'd be surprised.

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2009-02-19 04:19 am UTC (link)
You have an idea?

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2009-02-19 04:24 am UTC (link)
No, I just know a lot of Hufflepoufs.

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2009-02-19 12:22 pm UTC (link)
You think a puff sent me a poem?

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