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Revised App [10 Oct 2010|10:58pm]
Player (nickname, handle)/ LJ: Nix

Email: lifeinpolaroid@gmail.com

AIM (if you have one): BlackInkedWords

Character Name: Zachary Zolomon

Character LJ (if applicable): hsalf

Physical description (face, build, weight):  angular face, sandy-light brown hair, hazel eyes, six-foot-four, thin build.

Age:  20

Birthday: November 5th

Codename (if using one): Speed Demon

PB: (If using one.) Lucas Till


1. Conduit for the Negative Speed Force- Zachary Zolomon is a conduit of the Negative Speed Force, generating more and more of it each time he moves as his kinetic energy creates the wall between dimensions. He can use this energy to produce a variety of effects, but its use also poisons his personality, in addition to being influenced by the avatar of the Reverse-Flash.

2. Super-Speed/Motion Control: Zach can run at speeds rivaling that of Steve Garrick but doing so increasses the risk of him being drawn into the Negative Speed Force and becoming trapped within. Zach has full-control of his motion, being able to run, stop or change direction on demand. He's also is possessed of a kinetic barrier that protects him from friction damage at high speeds and can extend this protection to another when he runs. When his powers are in effect, Zach also creates after images of himself as he moves, as his father once did.

3. Vibration of Molecules: Zachary can vibrate his molecules to pass through solid objects.

Zach is also a gifted artist.

Weaknesses and flaws:  Human frailties, is allergic to penicillin.  And he’s broke.

Character location/Home:  Originally from Keystone City, Zach now resides in New York.

Alignment (villain, hero etc): villain

Team: Independent

Relatives (living/dead?): Ashley Zolomon (mother,) Hunter Zolomon (father,) half-sibling in Injustice Society

Backstory: Zachary Zoloman is the son of Hunter and Ashley Zoloman, a criminal profiler who moved to Keystone City after leaving the FBI do to suffering an injury that left him incapable of physically performing as a field agent. Zoloman became friends with Wally West, the Flash during his work, but also came to know Eobard Thawne, the man called Professor Zoom, or the first Reverse-Flash. The men struck up a strained, but civil dialogue in which Thawne often posed questions to Zoloman about the nature of the Flash's powers and whether or not the Flash was responsible for the things his enemies did. Over time, the two men discussed what it would take for them to both become "better" men. Over the course of time, Zoloman found himself agreeing with several of Thawne's viewpoints. leading to his own gaining of powers to challenge the Flash in order to "make him better".

Thawne discovered that Zoloman and his wife were expecting a child. Thawne had already discovered the existence of the Negative Speed Force and his role in the creation of this energy source and posited that, if he could not be free now, or soon, he would be free in the future. He also surmised the effect that the Speed Force had on those closest to the speedsters and tested his theories during his multiple breakouts over the years. During one such breakout, Thawne offered to give Zoloman the same abilities he himself possessed in order to make him a true opponent for the Flash. Luring the man and his pregnant wife to a particular location, Thawne had already set up the lightning rod needed to duplicate the effects that first gave Wally and Barry their abilities. Zoloman knew something was wrong when Thawne was nowhere to be found, and the Flash arrived soon thereafter. The men battled, even as Thawne raced through the Negative Speed Force, traveling through time at the exact speed necessary to also become the lightning bolt that first gave him his powers. The lightning bolt struck Ashley at the climax of the fight, causing both men to work together to save her. Neither of them ever saw Thawne again and worried little of it as Ashley suffered no adverse affects from being struck.

Years later, after the disintegration of their marriage, Ashley Zoloman was astounded and frightened to watch as her son seemingly developed the same abilities as his father and wondered if his evil would also pass on to young Zach. Over the years, Zach's learned to hide his powers from normal people, but uses them to commit small acts of theft, for the time being.

Something inside of him, however, is drawing him into a confrontation with his father's old enemy the Flash and it's only a matter of time before Speed Demon decides that it's time for the next of the Reverse-Flashes to make his mark on Flash Family.

How do you plan to introduce the character to the game?: Zach is going to enter the game innocuously as someone Wendi Tyler meets when she goes to  art school.

What are you planning to do with this character? As Speed Demon he is going to serve as a regular villain for the JSA (with some crossover to the JLA) while out of costume he is going to provide a source of drama for Wendi as they develop a friendship and, possibly, a relationship.  Ideally, Zach is going to allow for the exploration of second-generation villainy and the motivations therein.

What do you want to see happen with this character?:  Exploration of the non-heroic aspect of the Speed Force and either a story of redemption for Zach (as he grows and becomes, slowly, a hero) or a story of corruption for Wendi.

Sample Post:

He should have felt guilty, but he didn't.  There was nothing in the world that could possibly make him feel guilty for robbing that bank.  No one had gotten hurt; he'd simply slowed down time and done his thing.  It had taken careful planning: frequenting the neighborhood the bank was in, understanding the flow of foot traffic, using the Speed Force once so that he could zip around and pinpoint where the cameras were and determine what type of recording system they were on (who used TAPE anymore?) Then it was all just waiting for that perfect time.

All in all, two weeks of planning for one brief burst of gain.  Financially this was the best take yet, comfortable enough that he wouldn't have to do this again for at least another semester, maybe two.  Depended on how many supplies he'd end up needing.  Rent was paid in cash (his landlord didn't question,) and tuition had been paid by money order.  Everything was going to be okay for another term.  Mom wouldn't have to send him a dime.  No, he didn't feel guilty.  In fact as he watched the news reports about the mysterious theft at the bank branch, he actually felt really proud.

He did, after all, do really good work.  Someday his life of crime would come in handy, but for now cash was really nice.
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Application [02 Oct 2010|08:28pm]

NextGen Application (Canon and OC)


Player (nickname, handle)/ LJ: Nix

Email: lifeinpolaroid@gmail.com

AIM (if you have one): BlackInkedWords

Character Name: Zachary Solomon

Character LJ (if applicable): hsalf

Physical description (face, build, weight):  angular face, sandy-light brown hair, hazel eyes, six-foot-four, thin build.

Age:  20

Birthday: November 5th

Codename (if using one): Speed Demon

PB: (If using one.) Lucas Till

Abilities: Limited access to the Speed Force.  Unlike his father, Zach can draw on the Speed Force for short periods of time, but the resulting increase in thought processes renders him with violent migraines.  To this end he typically relies on the abilities inherited from his father (The following are his abilities as copied from Wikipedia: he can alter time relative to himself, as opposed to using the Speed Force like most of the DC Universe speedsters do. He can apparently use this ability to move at "speeds" rivaling those of even Wally West, and usually "faster" than the speeds that even Wally can muster in most cases. Rather than actually time traveling, Zoom is controlling the speed at which time flows around him, allowing him to go faster or slower in time than everyone around him. Since Zoom isn't actually moving at superspeed (rather, he is greatly slowing down time relative to himself, and can make himself so "fast" that even most of the Flashes look to him to be moving in slow motion), the temporal nature of his speed allows him to avoid the usual problems encountered by other Flash-type speedsters (friction, seeing and hearing at such near-light speeds, et al.), whose automatic and unconscious use of the Speed Force overcomes those problems. As he is moving at a normal velocity, and the rest of the world is "slow", those hindrances simply do not affect him.)

Zach is also a gifted artist.

Weaknesses and flaws:  Human frailties,  is allergic to penicillin.  When using the Speed Force, Zach ends up with crippling headaches.  Also, he cannot access his time-slowing powers for 72 hours after he's accessed the Speed Force because his ability to slow time is mentally based, something he cannot do with precision when he's got a massive headache.  And he’s broke.

Character location/Home:  Originally from Keystone City, Zach now resides in New York.

Alignment (villain, hero etc): villain

Team: Independent

Relatives (living/dead?): Ashley Zolomon (mother,) Hunter Zolomon (father,) half-sibling in Injustice Society

Backstory: For a brief time, Hunter Zolomon (aka Zoom) was married to Ashley Zolomon.  The marriage ended in divorce but one child came from the union.  Though he was raised by his mother, Zachary’s father did play a significant role in his life.  Zach was close to his father, more so when he discovered that he had the same ability to manipulate time so as to simulate speedster abilities.  As he entered his teen years, however, a custody disagreement resulted in Ashley gaining sole custody and effectively ended Hunter’s influence in his son’s life.  Nurtured by his mother, Zach began developing his other natural gift—art.  Ultimately Zach was accepted to the Art Institute with a full scholarship.  However, the funding for his scholarship ran out after his freshman year.  Desperate to not have to quit school, Zach decided to exploit his ability with time and speed—and started robbing banks.  With the economic downturn and funding even harder to find, Zach finds himself robbing banks with some regularity, all to keep his dream of being an artist alive.

How do you plan to introduce the character to the game?: Zach is going to enter the game innocuously as someone Wendi Tyler meets when she goes to  art school.

What are you planning to do with this character? As Speed Demon he is going to serve as a regular villain for the JSA (with some crossover to the JLA) while out of costume he is going to provide a source of drama for Wendi as they develop a friendship and, possibly, a relationship.  Ideally, Zach is going to allow for the exploration of second-generation villainry and the motivations therein.

What do you want to see happen with this character?:  Exploration of the non-heroic aspect of the Speed Force and either a story of redemption for Zach (as he grows and becomes, slowly, a hero) or a story of corruption for Wendi.

Sample Post:

He should have felt guilty, but he didn't.  There was nothing in the world that could possibly make him feel guilty for robbing that bank.  No one had gotten hurt; he'd simply slowed down time and done his thing.  It had taken careful planning: frequenting the neighborhood the bank was in, understanding the flow of foot traffic, using the Speed Force once so that he could zip around and pinpoint where the cameras were and determine what type of recording system they were on (who used TAPE anymore?) Then he had to recover from the Speed Sickness enough that he could think clearly and strike.

All in all, two weeks of planning for one brief burst of gain.  Financially this was the best take yet, comfortable enough that he wouldn't have to do this again for at least another semester, maybe two.  Depended on how many supplies he'd end up needing.  Rent was paid in cash (his landlord didn't question,) and tuition had been paid by money order.  Everything was going to be okay for another term.  Mom wouldn't have to send him a dime.  No, he didn't feel guilty.  In fact as he watched the news reports about the mysterious theft at the bank branch, he actually felt really proud.

He did, after all, do really good work.  Someday his life of crime would come in handy, but for now cash was really nice.


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