He's still trying to get used to the new Naruto, since it doesn't quite mesh with the way he remembers the moron. ;D And it's a little weird to him that 1) Naruto has survived as well as he has the past two years and that 2) he did it on his own. Part of him really misses the part of Blondie that had needed him, he liked being the one that someone looked up to for once, not being the "baby" of the family or whatnot. Tenny never needed him, she can do just fine on her own. But...I guess he has Aka, so.../shrug. He's still figuring it out, like I said.
But it's a fun learning process? :D
And wtf, he will never admit that Naruto is a sexy beast even if he is...just a little...only a tiny smidgen though...shut up. Now Kiba? He's the sexy beast. Totally. and where the hell did that muscle tone come from? he'd swear that didn't used to be there, what happened to the scrawny punk from high school? And without copious amounts of alcohol that's just how it is.
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