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houseofdaggers ([info]houseofdaggers) wrote,
@ 2009-07-19 20:36:00

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Entry tags:first, ic, tenten

I see the point of these things. Really I do, and I wouldn't lie to you. Well, not about a stupid journal, anyway. It gives the fans something to read, and it's a way of gaining publicity. And it makes the people here communicate with each other, even outside of working.

But, honestly? None of the fans give a flying fuck about the camera woman. As for publicity, I'm not going to claim that this journal is widely-read. As for communicating with others here, I guess I'll write here for that reason. And also for the reason that I want to keep my job, seeing as it pays a lot better than other, more difficult jobs.

And, for starters, I'll say a few things about myself.
One: I wear earplugs when I'm working the cameras. I don't really wanna hear that.
Two: I have a knife collection in my basement. Don't ask how many, 'cause I can't count that high in English. In Chinese, yes, but not in English.
Three: Maybe you guessed from the title of this and the previous fact, but no, English is not my first language. I'm a Chinese immigrant.

All right, that's all for now. Maybe you'll get more later. Maybe not.

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2009-07-20 03:12 am UTC (link)
What's the purpose of your knife collection?

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2009-07-20 03:16 am UTC (link)
I like them. And I've got a bit of a history with a few of them. Besides, it's something to talk about.

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2009-07-20 03:18 am UTC (link)
A history? So you know how to handle them?

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2009-07-20 03:26 am UTC (link)
I wouldn't have them in my house if I didn't.

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