AU meme: Another Life
It's another Monday morning at little local coffee shop in the business district: which means packed, loud and caffeine-deprived. Baristas shout orders in cadence and toss non-steamed containers to each other. There are no pumps in the syrup, everything is eyeballed and regulars don't bother ordering as their drink is ready by the time they make it to the front. New customers are easy to spot by the first sip-moan of surprise. If the brunette behind the counter (next to the 'By your barista a shot!" sign) isn't flirting with the next customer, she's singing along to whatever is on the playlist as the drinks are assembled without pause or looking.
"ROX-anne!" she and the other girl slinging the bean belt out, foaming enough milk for something with a dark mix of waiting syrup. "Alright, soy latte, hazelnut and toffee, four shots." She winks at the lawyer with raccoon circles for eyes holding her hand out for the cup. "Extra shot for luck, and remember, no coffee until after 2 with this. Go get 'em, tiger."
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