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Get_Medieval ([info]get_medieval) wrote in [info]hotlittlehands,
Hajime nods, then glances to Amiko. "I remain an agent of the law. If you wish to arrest him for the information he possesses, I must ask that you push for his execution, no matter what... but I will arrest him if you wish." He doesn't want to, but even in his day, a trial, even if its a show trial, could be necessary. And Hajime is a samurai, not an assassin, and the man was not killed in battle. He will gladly be an executioner, but he needs his lady's say so to become such with someone with potentially valuable information.

"Your life is hers... if you have anything you wish to volunteer in information to attempt to convince her to spare you, I am bound by honor to give you that chance... provided you kneel before her and tell her what you know."

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