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Ben Storm

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Test Scene [23 Nov 2012|09:59pm]
Ben was making an appearance at one of his mother's charity functions for animal welfare. It was nice and he liked what the charity was about but he felt like this would get boring fast. But he could stay for a little while and see what happened and who was there. Who knew maybe something interesting could happen?
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Test Scene [23 Nov 2012|10:08pm]
Ben was visiting the Baxter building to check up on family and the rest of the FF. Maybe also looking to see if he could grab some cool gadget to he could add to one of his cars for fun later. He just hoped Val wouldn't get on him about ruining Kona Shores for her again. Just because he was a main character on it and had his shirt off in a few scene didn't mean it was a bad show.
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[ viewing | November 23rd, 2012 ]
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