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Stevie Barton

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Shop Until Somebody Drops (Hopefully Not Me) [27 Aug 2010|11:25pm]
There were, Stevie Barton reflected, any number of better things she could be doing today.  Working on her hot rod, for one.  William Blake, for another.  Dirt biking for a third.  But Marie Claire Pym (otherwise known as MC, but only to Stevie) has asked her to go shopping with her today and had reminded Stevie that "One does not refuse Marie Claire Pym."  It was a shared joke between the two.

...At least, Stevie assumed she was joking.

Though the daughter of the famous and wealthy Antonia Stark, Stevie did not usually venture out to malls.  Or at least, not the upscale kind that MC preferred.  The one downtown with the biker apparel store was just fine by her.  But she endured.  And she had managed to let MC talk her into buying a few things.

"We've been at this for three hours," she told MC.  "Our next stop is either the food court, or I'm picking you up and carrying you out of here."
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