So I started re-reading some threads today and I just started making icons of some of the quotes, which spiraled into some more crack, and it just... yeah. Thus far, it's really only my stuff and a few inside jokes, but I'm adding to it! This is just what I've got so far. The table basically goes 8 Der/Mer, 8 Archie/Izzie, and like 9 random icons (EDIT: THIS IS NOT TRUE ANYMORE. THERE IS NO REAL ORDER). And of those 9 random ones, I'm pretty sure 7 involve the color of official Ministry business Hit Wizard robes :X THIS IS A LOT OF CRACK AND I APOLOGIZE IN ADVANCE, WHICH IS WHY THERE IS A CUT TAG.

Well, except for the preview, of course.
( ICONS OF CRACK )I AM TOTALLY UP TO REQUESTS, BY THE WAY. If there's a thread you want me to go find stuff for, or a journal entry, or quotes, or OTPs, or WHATEVER, I'm totally game. Just comment. I also totally welcome any use, whether it's out of context or whatever. Because that tree pose one? Hecka uploading that for my LJ.