Octavia Borgin |
Had it up to HERE with Kirby Catchlove and is quite sure that their twisted little tryst at the Ball was the last straw. Intrigued by the man she bumped into at the Ball, and is going to rip her uncle's head off sometime soon, partly because he's starting to bother her about getting married, general annoyances with siblings-- leaving the country for a week to attend to some "business," just because she needs a headache cure and is dragging Gabriel Corner along. |
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Elsie Branstone |
Getting slightly overwhelmed by being with Gilderoy and is unsure of what the status of the "relationship" is and whether or not it's supposed to kept somewhat mum or not. Starting to feel the resurgence of some old feelings for a friend which is not good. Right? It isn't? |
:? |
Greta Catchlove |
IS GOING TO RIP TILDEN TOOT'S HEAD OFF, SO HELP HER GOD AND MERLIN AND WHATEVER OTHER POWERFUL AND SUPREME ENTITY WOULD LIKE TO COME TO HER AID. She's even considering teaming up with Daisy Hookum and putting her previous journalistic endeavors to good use by... well, that would be telling, now wouldn't it? AND YOU WON'T KNOW WHEN IT IS COMING, TILDEN TOOTS, NOT BY A LONG SHO-- but, anyway. Not dealing well with being the only Catchlove kid at home, even if she has a job, misses Hogwarts greatly, even though she's striking up old friendships once again. Realizing that Walden Macnair was definitely not all she thought he was cracked up to be in school and would be lying if she said she wasn't a little bit more interested in him... beyond what transpired in the halls of Hogwarts... |
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Barty Crouch, Jr. |
Rooming with Antonin Dolohov... alternating between being evil snarky bastards and probably snapping each other's head's off. Seething that his father never actually tried to contact Barty once he moved out of the manor and doesn't contact him at work (not that he's tried), unbelievably angry that he's forbidden from seeing his ill mother, and hating his job at the Ministry so much he's considering quitting. Feeling uncontrollably restless from the rage he's been attempting to deal with for all these months might actually transpire in getting his hands dirtier within the service to Lord Voldemort |
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Seymour Dingle |
VERY intrigued by the bartender who rescued his banjo after he tipsily serenaded her! Of course, because he doesn't know who she is yet... or how old she is... OOC-ly, he is FREAKING OUT about the fact that she is so young and that she's related to Hugh. Except, this holds all sorts of possibilities, because IF THEY GET MARRIED, HE AND HUGH WILL BE LIKE BROTHERS. AND HUGH IS LIKE THE COOLEST PERSON IN THE WO--wait, what? |
:O |
Derek Dobbs |
Is loving his job and his super awesome Auror girlfriend, freaking out that his sister has joined the scandalous world of journaling and is ACTING LIKE A TART, and is subconsciously bothered by the fact that Meredith seems to HATE HIS FUCKING GUTS, but he also doesn't see what's wrong with being upset by that. Is also kind of too obtuse to really think of what that means. Inadvertently hits on a lot of girls, is aware that Dorcas = coolest girlfriend on the planet… will probably try to talk to Dimitri about his problems before Dimitri realizes what they're talking about and hits him. |
:...)? |
Rachel Englewood |
FREAKING. THE EFF. OUT. Because she and Smeth kissed at the ball, but the issue really hasn't been addressed since then and she's worried that she's done something whoreish again but doesn't know who she can talk to because she will cry if she gets the "What a surprise, Rachel's a scarlet woman who also happens to be a failure" bit again. Starting to re-evaluate her relationship with her parents and Amissa, but isn't sure if it's something temporary or not. Probably needs Giada to talk her off a ledge. Still needs to kill Michael Lochte since Caradoc apparently didn't do the job. |
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Adamina Greengrass |
Kind of worried about how she's going to fare until the baby arrives, but is trying really hard not to freak out too much in case she makes Tim worry. She's a bit tired of being all stretched out, but the idea of being a mother is terrifying almost too exciting to really be thinking of vain and selfish things like that... except she still kind of does and feels guilty. She's also getting super annoyed that Nick and Cecilia still aren't talking and is thinking she's going to use her pregnant card to her advantage just a little while longer... |
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Archie MacMillan |
Really thinking things could not be better right now. Izzie and he are doing so well, he's starting to wonder about the future of their relationship and the serious places he wants it to go... but he isn't saying a word to her for a very long time because he doesn't want to spook her. It might not seem like it, but it really was only yesterday that she positively hated his guts. But things are going really well! He's getting along with his family (well, with Emmeline) more than before, his job isn't so boring he wants to suffocate himself with his robes, and... well... there is an ABBA concert soon... very soon, even. |
:D |
Wendy Tremaine |
Rarin' to be on the field, a bit worried about that parasite that seems to be KILLING HER FRIEND, and hopefully having an amazing and ?somewhat inappropriate run-in with the hottest sexy nerd librarian on the planet? YIS? |
;] |
Severus Snape |
Hating life. Hating his player more. Immersing himself in work, but finding it really pointless. Should be hearing the prophecy soonish and fucking around with a lot of lives. NEEDS MOAR PLOT. |
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Amery Wilkes |
TOTALLY DOING HIS AWESOMELY HOT SECRETARY AND SECRETLY WANTS TO TELL EVERYONE. Except, you know, he's much too classy to announce it like that. Whilst enjoying an affair with Venice Vega, is pleased to see his brother marrying Ophelia and promises to have her back in the event that Juliana and Daniella conspire to kill her or something to that effect. Is expecting an assault from Grayson most any day now and/or tag team spilling of blood. Is feeling bored/antsy/irritated and probably kind of needs to to keep sane :[ Should probably work on being less psyc--OH WAIT. Wilkes. J/k. |
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