livia katarine borgin

b. 1954 ● hogwarts '73 ● older by 3 years ● housewife? ● mia kirshner I've always pictured Livia as being much cooler than Octavia, but sort of... a void. She's icy and empty. Almost eerily serene. She puts up with the Uncle's abuse (and it might actually have been sexual with Livia), but stores away the hatred and loathing inside as she teaches herself not to care. Affected the most by their parents' death, but she never became much of a parental figure. One of the many secret plots in the Borgin goldmine was that I often thought she must be in an abusive marriage which Octavia eventually learned about and was in the process of dealing with until she had to disappear. She obviously has many, many issues.

augustus lenhard borgin

b. 1955 ● hogwarts '74 ● older by 2 years ● artefacts ● dominic cooper Really had to keep Octavia toeing the line of propriety. Being the only male, and really the only "sensible" one in their guardian's eyes, he has the least villainous feelings toward their uncle, and is even taking over the business. I think he turned a somewhat blind eye towards the general dysfunctional climate of their house growing up, but it is why he tries so hard to make Octavia behave -- because he knew the more she rebelled, the worse it would be for her. But still didn't try to stop it. I think because he sought the approval etc. of their uncle, he was reluctant to intervene. He doesn't see himself as being weak, but Octavia did, which was why their relationship was strained at times. But she believed she could take care of herself, of course.

leonardo belmont branstone

b. 1952 ● hogwarts '70 ● older by 5 years ● unknown ● joseph morgan He is my least formed siblings, and Elsie and he have always had a very nebulous relationship in my head, but I do know that she does not feel as if they are particularly close. He vacillates between being an auror and being something academic, but I can't decide which one (probably the latter, since that is more kid-friendly). He was definitely the favourite of the mother, while Elsie was the favourite of their father's, and that put a significant rift in their adult relationship, particularly around the time of her father's illness/death. I don't see him as being in the UK very often, and they rarely see one another. No one in her family is aware of Elliot's condition, but Leonardo does know they have struggled financially and has helped them out a time or two -- but he likely has a condescending view on it.

xavier lindon brookstanton/oberlin

b. 1951 ● beauxbatons '70 ● older by 4 years ● solicitor ● alexander skarsgård Possibly the most villainous sibling I have, he is a professional life ruiner and puppet master. He has everything going for him -- intelligence, good looks, charming personality, but underneath it, he is sort of a sociopath. He is obsessed with his father's approval, and the appearance of Axe in his life pushed him over an edge he was already teetering on. He's an expert manipulator, and 100% self-absorbed. Narcissism definitely runs in this family. He does nothing without half a mind on how he can benefit from it now or in the future. Since his father is sort of an Englishman, he's hellbent on making himself one as far as possible. I don't know. He's just a psycho. Holds a big secret from Axe's glory youth days over his head and ruthlessly blackmails him with that and various other things. Middle bro is his stooge partner in crime.

sébastien aldous brookstanton/oberlin

b. 1953 ● beauxbatons '72 ● older by 2 years ● advertising ● thad luckinbill The beautiful, dumb one. Bastien is 110% obsessed with himself, whiny, spoiled, and generally just a useless person. His selfishness and generally sly being does make him a good tool for his eldest brother to use in his schemes, and he has rare moments of brilliance on his own (really rare). If it were up to him, he wouldn't really trifle with any of his younger siblings (and possibly not even the older one, because he really does only care about himself), but he is not in a position to call the shots. After growing up and moving out, however, he's mostly whatever. More time to focus on himself tbh.

guillaume thane brookstanton/oberlin

b. 1958 ● bb '76 ● younger by 3 years ● mediwizard ● daniel sharman Axe's favourite human being on the planet. Guy got a lot of shit from his oldest siblings for basically being the runt and ultimate black sheep of the family as well as clearly favouring Axe over his legitimate full brothers. Being so obsessed with themselves, this didn't sit very well with them. I think every drop of vanity was squeezed out of him and given to his brothers, because he's one of the most selfless people ever. He has a very strong hero's complex and that need to help others has pushed him into his career as a mediwizard around the world. Axe is very protective over him, and this is one of the few truly positive relationships in his life.

fredrick briar xander catchlove

b. 1957 ● oxford '80 ● older by 6 years ● student ● joe anderson Being a Squib certainly sets Fredrick apart from his sisters -- as does being a boy, as does being the oldest. He is one of the more outgoing of the bunch, and has an extremely adventurous spirit. He enjoys travelling the world, aided by an extremely impulsive nature. Very passionate about education, he is pursuing a doctorate at Oxford with a mind to teaching, himself... one day. Greta painfully idolizes him, and he is one of people who really helped push her out of her shell. She looks up to him, respects him, but will never not feel guilty about the fact that he is a Squib, which can make him uncomfortable at times. Himself, he'll never fully accept being a Squib, but being the master of philosophy he is, has learned to spin his differences into a more positive perspective. Has always been there for his sisters, and will always be.

stefana angelica jacomina catchlove

b. 1959 ● hogwarts '77 ● older by 3 years ● bbc ● scarlett johanssen Stefana was quieter amongst the siblings, which Greta felt she could most relate to when growing up. They share a passion for journalism, as Stefana works for the BBC. Her ease in the Muggle world, as well as being one of the eldest and not a twin, she is closest to Fredrick, and they perhaps understand each other best. Although Stefana loves the Wizarding world, she found her future career lay outside of it, and enjoys her time spent working for the BBC immensely. Having been personally affected by the Wizarding war, it is also somewhat of a refuge/asylum from memories that are too hard to relive.

sorcha mabyn fawcett → cornfoot

1958 - 1980 ● hogwarts '76 ● younger by 1, older by 6 ● cobie smulders Well, Sorcha is basically like my most favourite person ever. She basically did whatever she wanted and did not care two hoots about anyone else except that she did. Even though Drystan and she squabbled constantly, they were like twins, and she was a super-combo of mother/sister/best friend/confidant/queen for Penelope. Super gorgeous, super smart, super loyal, and super witty, she was a very dynamic person though not without a plethora of faults. She was a non-fiction author, very interested in Wizarding history (which happened to be how she met her husband). She is wonderfully missed but not really because she pops up in OOC-land all the time.

ioan luca llewellyn

b. 1954 ● hogwarts '72 ● older by 8 years ● ministry ● luke evans Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam vestibulum, leo et blandit viverra, augue metus accumsan leo, sed imperdiet enim neque non libero. Aenean sagittis sagittis sem, sed bibendum elit commodo in. Donec commodo dolor felis. Maecenas at leo et ligula pharetra placerat ut sit amet ligula. Vivamus porttitor dolor sed quam iaculis eleifend. Cras blandit bibendum nulla sodales consectetur. Mauris gravida justo ac nulla mattis id pellentesque urna dignissim. Nam fermentum venenatis dui, vitae ornare neque porttitor sed.

gwendolyn serafina llewellyn

b. 1975 ● younger by 13 years ● bb ● willow shields Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam vestibulum, leo et blandit viverra, augue metus accumsan leo, sed imperdiet enim neque non libero. Aenean sagittis sagittis sem, sed bibendum elit commodo in. Donec commodo dolor felis. Maecenas at leo et ligula pharetra placerat ut sit amet ligula. Vivamus porttitor dolor sed quam iaculis eleifend. Cras blandit bibendum nulla sodales consectetur. Mauris gravida justo ac nulla mattis id pellentesque urna dignissim. Nam fermentum venenatis dui, vitae ornare neque porttitor sed.

pyxis aristide macmillan

b. 1942 ● hogwarts '60 ● older by 11 years ● ministry ● jon hamm I lied, he is also very villainous. Or, no, he's more just... dismissive and cold compared to Xavier. He could not care less about Archie, or effectively strikes him down when the need arises. MORE STUFFFFFFFFFFF

eridana apolline macmillan

b. 1942 ● hogwarts '60 ● older by 11 years ● socialite ● robin tunney Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam vestibulum, leo et blandit viverra, augue metus accumsan leo, sed imperdiet enim neque non libero. Aenean sagittis sagittis sem, sed bibendum elit commodo in. Donec commodo dolor felis. Maecenas at leo et ligula pharetra placerat ut sit amet ligula. Vivamus porttitor dolor sed quam iaculis eleifend. Cras blandit bibendum nulla sodales consectetur. Mauris gravida justo ac nulla mattis id pellentesque urna dignissim. Nam fermentum venenatis dui, vitae ornare neque porttitor sed.

primus orville pepper

b. 1948 ● hogwarts '67 ● older by 9 & 14 years ● barrister ● benedict cumberbatch Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam vestibulum, leo et blandit viverra, augue metus accumsan leo, sed imperdiet enim neque non libero. Aenean sagittis sagittis sem, sed bibendum elit commodo in. Donec commodo dolor felis. Maecenas at leo et ligula pharetra placerat ut sit amet ligula. Vivamus porttitor dolor sed quam iaculis eleifend. Cras blandit bibendum nulla sodales consectetur. Mauris gravida justo ac nulla mattis id pellentesque urna dignissim. Nam fermentum venenatis dui, vitae ornare neque porttitor sed.

secundus ivan pepper

b. 1950 ● hogwarts '69 ● older by 7 & 11 years ● auror ● eddie cibrian Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam vestibulum, leo et blandit viverra, augue metus accumsan leo, sed imperdiet enim neque non libero. Aenean sagittis sagittis sem, sed bibendum elit commodo in. Donec commodo dolor felis. Maecenas at leo et ligula pharetra placerat ut sit amet ligula. Vivamus porttitor dolor sed quam iaculis eleifend. Cras blandit bibendum nulla sodales consectetur. Mauris gravida justo ac nulla mattis id pellentesque urna dignissim. Nam fermentum venenatis dui, vitae ornare neque porttitor sed.

tertia odell pepper

b. 1952 ● hogwarts '71 ● older by 5 & 9 years ● author ● erin karpluk Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam vestibulum, leo et blandit viverra, augue metus accumsan leo, sed imperdiet enim neque non libero. Aenean sagittis sagittis sem, sed bibendum elit commodo in. Donec commodo dolor felis. Maecenas at leo et ligula pharetra placerat ut sit amet ligula. Vivamus porttitor dolor sed quam iaculis eleifend. Cras blandit bibendum nulla sodales consectetur. Mauris gravida justo ac nulla mattis id pellentesque urna dignissim. Nam fermentum venenatis dui, vitae ornare neque porttitor sed.

quartus john pepper

b. 1954 ● hogwarts '72 ● older by 4 & 8 years ● curse-breaker ● tyron leitso Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam vestibulum, leo et blandit viverra, augue metus accumsan leo, sed imperdiet enim neque non libero. Aenean sagittis sagittis sem, sed bibendum elit commodo in. Donec commodo dolor felis. Maecenas at leo et ligula pharetra placerat ut sit amet ligula. Vivamus porttitor dolor sed quam iaculis eleifend. Cras blandit bibendum nulla sodales consectetur. Mauris gravida justo ac nulla mattis id pellentesque urna dignissim. Nam fermentum venenatis dui, vitae ornare neque porttitor sed.

quintus james pepper

b. 1954 ● hogwarts '72 ● older by 4 & 8 years ● curse-breaker ● jtyron leitso Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam vestibulum, leo et blandit viverra, augue metus accumsan leo, sed imperdiet enim neque non libero. Aenean sagittis sagittis sem, sed bibendum elit commodo in. Donec commodo dolor felis. Maecenas at leo et ligula pharetra placerat ut sit amet ligula. Vivamus porttitor dolor sed quam iaculis eleifend. Cras blandit bibendum nulla sodales consectetur. Mauris gravida justo ac nulla mattis id pellentesque urna dignissim. Nam fermentum venenatis dui, vitae ornare neque porttitor sed.

sextus osmond pepper

b. 1955 ● hogwarts '73 ● older by 3 & 7 years ● dandy ● kevin zegers Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam vestibulum, leo et blandit viverra, augue metus accumsan leo, sed imperdiet enim neque non libero. Aenean sagittis sagittis sem, sed bibendum elit commodo in. Donec commodo dolor felis. Maecenas at leo et ligula pharetra placerat ut sit amet ligula. Vivamus porttitor dolor sed quam iaculis eleifend. Cras blandit bibendum nulla sodales consectetur. Mauris gravida justo ac nulla mattis id pellentesque urna dignissim. Nam fermentum venenatis dui, vitae ornare neque porttitor sed.

septimus andrew pepper

b. 1956 ● hogwarts '74 ● older by 2 & 6 years ● proprietor ● ben feldman Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam vestibulum, leo et blandit viverra, augue metus accumsan leo, sed imperdiet enim neque non libero. Aenean sagittis sagittis sem, sed bibendum elit commodo in. Donec commodo dolor felis. Maecenas at leo et ligula pharetra placerat ut sit amet ligula. Vivamus porttitor dolor sed quam iaculis eleifend. Cras blandit bibendum nulla sodales consectetur. Mauris gravida justo ac nulla mattis id pellentesque urna dignissim. Nam fermentum venenatis dui, vitae ornare neque porttitor sed.

arielle davina sykes

b. 1953 ● home-schooled ● older by 9 years ● broom-maker ● erica durance Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam vestibulum, leo et blandit viverra, augue metus accumsan leo, sed imperdiet enim neque non libero. Aenean sagittis sagittis sem, sed bibendum elit commodo in. Donec commodo dolor felis. Maecenas at leo et ligula pharetra placerat ut sit amet ligula. Vivamus porttitor dolor sed quam iaculis eleifend. Cras blandit bibendum nulla sodales consectetur. Mauris gravida justo ac nulla mattis id pellentesque urna dignissim. Nam fermentum venenatis dui, vitae ornare neque porttitor sed.

benjamin idris williams

b. 1974 ● younger by 13 years ● bb ● dylan schmid Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam vestibulum, leo et blandit viverra, augue metus accumsan leo, sed imperdiet enim neque non libero. Aenean sagittis sagittis sem, sed bibendum elit commodo in. Donec commodo dolor felis. Maecenas at leo et ligula pharetra placerat ut sit amet ligula. Vivamus porttitor dolor sed quam iaculis eleifend. Cras blandit bibendum nulla sodales consectetur. Mauris gravida justo ac nulla mattis id pellentesque urna dignissim. Nam fermentum venenatis dui, vitae ornare neque porttitor sed.

cordelia elen williams

b. 1975 ● younger by 14 years ● bb ● bailee madison Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam vestibulum, leo et blandit viverra, augue metus accumsan leo, sed imperdiet enim neque non libero. Aenean sagittis sagittis sem, sed bibendum elit commodo in. Donec commodo dolor felis. Maecenas at leo et ligula pharetra placerat ut sit amet ligula. Vivamus porttitor dolor sed quam iaculis eleifend. Cras blandit bibendum nulla sodales consectetur. Mauris gravida justo ac nulla mattis id pellentesque urna dignissim. Nam fermentum venenatis dui, vitae ornare neque porttitor sed.