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The Boy Who Lived ([info]hjpotter) wrote,
@ 2008-04-13 19:35:00

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A lot of people have asked, so let me just say it here so everybody knows. Ginny wasn't on the train to Hogwarts today, she's in St. Mungo's. About two days ago, she came down with dragon pox, so she's in hospital now. She's okay, she's being cheeky with the healers, her mum is fawning all over her I can't believe I'm not there. In a few days, she'll be well enough to come to our infirmary. But until then she's down in London. I was wondering if anyone had any cards or gifts they'd like to send? The Headmistress is going to bring Ginny anything we send on Tuesday, so just let me know.

How pathetic am I that I miss her so much al

Private to Seamus
Hey mate, you're in for her at Chaser for a while. Up to it?

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2008-04-15 01:33 am UTC (link)
I've come to know the secrets of those Healers, Harry. If you need any tips, just let me know. I reckon if you know the secrets, you can go in and see whoever you want.

I knew something strange happened to you once a month, but I didn't want to say anything about it. It also makes sense that your hair is sometimes really, really long in the morning and you have to keep shaving it off...blimey, that's The cheese seemed good! Or was good, rather.

...I did run, actually. It wasn't too pretty.

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2008-04-15 01:48 am UTC (link)
I might. If I can get past McGonagall, I'm coming to you. Oi. I still gotta deal with her mum, though -

Hey! I thought my secret killer wolf side was just between us mates! That's it, I'm eating you next full moon. And I thought it was a quality cheese, despite the fact it was French. It was from Fleur. The gift of fine cheese: that says happy Christmas.

So that's why you were out of breath. And it all comes together.

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