About Me |
Age and Nationality: 19/Australian Threading: Yes AIM: OOC Discussion. Will RP on it if it's *action* talking *action* etc. Group? Yes One on One? Yes Slash, het, gen, etc: I'll do anything as long as it has a solid base to it. Crossovers? If they make since sure. If it's a 'you like this and I like this so lets PSL them' chances are I'll say no. Squicks: Once again if it makes sense in the line I'll consider it. Fandoms or Original: Both. Complete list of fandom's are listed here Sex scenes/Kissing etc: I will play them if you want to. I'm rather experienced so most of it is from RP/Fanfic/romance books just so you are forewarned. Girls or Boys: Either Writing Style: Third Person story book with the added option of email/im/journals etc. Other Stuff: I'll try my hardest to get a tag to you within 24 hours but sometimes between work and uni I might take slightly longer but those are rare occasions. If a character is bolded I would much prefer to play them. If they are ictalized I will play either of them. Bolded Characters are on the right. The symbols next to them are just a suggestion. Suggestions? I will indeed take suggestions for lines- both original and fandom.
♥ = Romance ♣ = gen only ♦ = either gen or romance |
Fandoms |
Harry Potter
Lucius Malfoy/Narcissa Malfoy ♥ Lucius Malfoy/Andromeda Black ♥ Lucius Malfoy/Bellatrix Black ♥ Lucius Malfoy/Draco Malfoy ♣ Lucius Malfoy/Harry Potter ♦ Lucius Malfoy/Severus Snape ♦ Lucius Malfoy/Pansy Parkinson ♥ Orion Black/Druella Black ♦ Orion Black/Walburga Black ♦ Cygnus Black/Druella Black ♥ Charlus Potter/Dorea Potter ♦ Rowena Ravenclaw/Salazar Slytherin &daims; Helena Ravenclaw/Salazar Slytherin ♣ Helena Ravenclaw/The Bloody Baron ♥ Helena Ravenclaw and Salazar Slytherin ♦ Helena Ravenclaw and Rowena Ravenclaw ♣ Rowena Ravenclaw/Salazar Slytherin ♦ Pansy Parkinson/Draco Malfoy ♦ Astoria Greengrass/Daphne Greengrass ♣ Astoria Greengrass/Draco Malfoy ♥ Minerva McGonagall/Tom Riddle ♥ Minerva McGonagall/Albus Dumbledore ♥ Draco Malfoy/Daphne Greengrass ♦ Draco Malfoy/Tracey Davis ♦ Draco Malfoy/Millicent Bulstrode ♦ Draco Malfoy/Ginny Weasley ♥ Draco Malfoy/Hermione Granger ♥ Rodolphus Lestrange/Bellatrix Lestrange ♦ Bellatrix Lestrange/Lord Voldemort ♥ Bellatrix Lestrange/Harry Potter ♦ Bellatrix Black/Sirius Black ♦ Susan Bones/Harry Potter ♥ Susan Bones/Oliver Wood ♥ Hermione Granger/Harry Potter ♦ Helga Hufflepuff/Godric Gryffidor ♦ Severus Snape/Pansy Parkinson ♦ Narcissa Malfoy/Pansy Parkinson ♥ Narcissa Malfoy/Severus Snape ♥ Druella Black/Cygnus Black ♦
Star Wars
Luke Skywalker/Mara Jade ♥ Anikan Skywalker/Padme Amidala ♥ Luke Skywalker/Leia Organa ♣ Leia Organa/Han Solo ♥ Yoda/Luke Skywalker ♣
Tamora Pierce
Jonathan of Conte/Alanna of Trebond ♦ Jonatha of Conte/Alanna of Trebond/Thayet Wilihima ♦ Jonathan of Conte/Thaety Wilihima ♦ Aly/Numat ♦ Lord Gershom of Haryse/Beka Cooper ♣ Lord Gershom of Harsye/Lady Harsye ♥
True Blood
Sam Merlotte/Sookie Stackhouse ♥ Eric Northman/Sookie Stackhouse ♦
Star Trek's
Kathryn Janeway/Chakotay ♥ Charles "Trip" Tucker III/T'Pol ♦ Charles "Trip" Tucker III/Jonathon Archer- ♦
Obernewtyn Chronicles
Elspeth/Rushton ♥
Mary Boleyn/King Henry ♥ Katherine of Aragon/Prince Arthur ♥ Katherine of Aragon/King Henry ♥ Henry VII/Queen Elizabeth ♦ Thomas Boleyn/Elizabeth Howard ♥ Thomas Boleyn/Mary Boleyn ♣ Thomas Boleyn/Anne Boleyn ♣ Thomas Boleyn/Henry VIII ♣ Henry VIII/Anne Boleyn</b> ♦
Sarah Williams/Jareth ♥ Toby Williams/Sarah Williams ♣
The Dark Heaven's Trilogy
Xaun Wu/Emma Donahoe
The West Wing
Josiah "Jed" Bartlett/Abby Bartlett ♥ CJ Cregg/Toby Zigler ♥ Donna Moss/Josh Lyman ♥
Anne of Green Gables
Anne Shirley/Gilbert Blythe ♦ Anne Shirley/Diane ?? ♣
Doctor Who/Torchwood
Martha Jones/Donna Nobel ♣ Martha Jones/Ten ♦ Martha Jones/Jack Harkness ♦ Jack Harkness/Ianto Jones ♦
Gossip Girl
Blair Waldorf/Chuck Bass ♥ Blair Waldorf/Jenny Humphrey ♣ Blair Waldorf/Serana van der Woodsen ♣ |
Original Lines |
Character A was kidnapped at birth by Character B the leader of the opposing side and is raised by them as their heir. What happens when Character A develops feelings for Character B but not everything goes as plan. Character C enters the picture and tells Character A the truth.
Character A is sentenced to death but it is eventually overturned and he is given Transportation for Life to Botany Bay. On the way he/she meets Character B and they develop feelings for each other.
Character A is an escort/prostitute working the streets. Character B is a wealthy business person in an unhappy marriage and seeks sexual relief elsewhere- namely with Character A. Will this be just 'business' or will it turn into something more? |
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