I worship intoxication, I took all the pain.

but that's the nature of inviting

9/21/09 09:42 pm - [001]

I hate waking up to the crows.

9/19/09 07:45 pm - APPLICATION

Name: Didgey
Age: 21
Personal Journal: [info]tobi
Contact Information:
AIM: ask.
Email: goodboytobi@live.com
Other: FRRNT

Past RP Experience: I tattooed the record on your mom's bum.

Character: Shisui Uchiha
Age: 24
PB: Kiyoharu
Classification: Dirt-hair.
Occupation: Assigned to be a slaughterhouse worker originally, now a prostitute and general alley dweller.

xoxo )

9/19/09 07:17 pm - PHONE

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