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♬ Sex Sells ([info]heartshapecandy) wrote,
@ 2009-01-27 20:28:00

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Current mood: cheerful

I just got another tattoo today! On impulse! I got the roman numeral four on my the inside of my right wrist. No no it doesn't have anything to do with like Kingdom Hearts or Organization XIII or anything like that. *head desk* I'm the fourth of eight kids in my family so I went with that. So yay another tattoo my mom will be thrilled. Only not she was pretty mad about the other two. It's okay though I already know exactly what she'll say so I can tune it out next time I visit home and she sees it.

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2009-01-28 04:09 am UTC (link)
XD Vexen is a creeeeepy old man but I love him~♥

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2009-01-28 04:10 am UTC (link)
Is professing you love creepy old men a good thing?

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2009-01-28 04:11 am UTC (link)
He's the only creepy old man I like, trust me. ♥

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2009-01-28 04:13 am UTC (link)
Uh huh....

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2009-01-28 04:14 am UTC (link)
Seriously...I think it's only cause of the RP I did involving him but...yeah. ♥ RP can shift people's perspectives...like the random OTP of Demyx/Blue.

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