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♬ Sex Sells

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Whatever I Know How To Drive [17 Nov 2008|05:15pm]
[ mood | bouncy ]
[ music | Lips of an Angel [Hinder] ]

You know what dude? You're psychotic. First off you don't go 5 miles below the speed limit in the fast lane. You move the fuck over and drive like granny in the other lane. I don't know, just when I'm in the fast lane I go fast. It's the entire point. I figured you got it when you moved over the first time but then I guess having to move over pissed you off because you can speeding up to my side five minutes later and started to pace me.

I spied a challenge.

Yes I know it's dangerous but you started it by cutting me off going five under again and brake checking me every two feet when there was no one in front of you. Yeah you're crazy and that's why I sped around you and wove in and out of traffic to avoid you again. Plus staring at me from your window and your little handle bar mustache made me think you do dirty things to little boys.

In other news LJ is apparently going to be down soon for server transfer. Whatever will all the kiddies over there do?

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[ viewing | November 17th, 2008 ]
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