10:03 pmBleach #155:
While Rukia was fighting with fake Kaien, Reiji sensed the fall of Rukia's reiatsu and hoped she would be safe. As Rukia fought, she sensed Sado and Ishida fighting elsewhere. She activated her bankai, but her opponent seemed to know her every move and was able to use Kaien's technique accurately. Rukia was shocked. Elsewhere, Ichigo could sense the drop of Rukia, Ishida and Sado's reiatsu. He accidentially squeezed Nel who wanted him to carry her on his back as a payback. Ichigo obliged. Other place, Rukia's sword was knocked off. She was about to lose when a part of wall collapsed, revealing the sunlight. The Espada quickly leaped away from the sunlight. Rukia started to analyse the Espada's words. With that, she bound him with her spell and basted him under sunlight. His face burnt and melted before her eyes, revealing his real look of two faces within a red liquid filled cylinder. Apparently, sunlight robbed him his shapeshifting ability, showing his true look. He ducked back into the dark and turned into Kaien's look again. He told her that he had Kaien's ability because he had eaten Kaien's soul after his death. And this was why Rukia could feel strong familiarity with his body. |