adelaide & andre's Journal [entries|friends|calendar]
adelaide & andre

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[April the 2nd]

No body is allowed to have anymore babies.

10 +

[March the 12th]
Yeah, that's right, I am awesome.  But most of you knew that already. But as of now I have even more proof. 

Yep, you are looking at the new Head of Spell Damage.   now I have even more minions.

5 +

[October the 19th]

The hospital has been so boring lately.

4 +

[September the 26th]
Obviously, pediatric healers have the best timing. What am I going to do when the two of you pop within weeks of each other!

4 +

[June the 11th]
Current Interns: Test is at the end of the month. You better pass because if I have to deal with you for another year it won't be pretty.

Future Interns: ahah, I hope you know what you are getting yourselves into I look forward to working with you :] Hope you are all ready.

5 +

[April the 17th]
It's the most beautiful and talented healer ever birthday today just so you know.  I suggest you say something or be on chart duty for the rest of the month.

Happy Birthday love.

AND My awesome baby boy is ONE today.  The image of a perfect one year old boy he is.

1 +

[March the 18th]
Ok seriously, why are you interns continuing to bring me charts and crap. I'm sick. I'm admitted to the hospital not just hanging out in a room while working. Stop bringing me work.

2 +

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