Damien al Ghul/Damien Wilson's Journal [entries|friends|calendar]
Damien al Ghul/Damien Wilson

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When babies arrive... [29 Jun 2011|07:36pm]
Damien got the call the moment Lian arrived at the hospital. He'd been in Star City, secretly, for several weeks, wanting to be near when his wife delivered their babies. Once she laid eyes upon what they'd created together, she would take him back. She would forget all of her objections and take him back, once and for all.

When Lian is placed in her room, Damien dons doctor's garb, including a mask and cap, and begins checking his wife's charts. She is healthy, but her blood pressure is higher than he'd like. She wants drugs, and she's swearing. Now, she's crying. He will comfort her as soon as the children arrive.

At that moment, handpicked doctors enter the room and proceed to aid him helping deliver the twins.

"Miss Harper? I'm going to need you to push for me, okay? Breathe and push." Damien says.
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[28 Apr 2010|02:14pm]

Player (nickname, handle)/ LJ: De
Email: On file
AIM (if you have one):  On file
Character Name: Damien Wilson/Damien Al Ghul
Character LJ (if applicable): headofthedemon
Physical description (face, build, weight): 6’1, think, dark hair, brown eyes
Age: 24
Birthday:  December 22nd
Codename (if using one): None
PB: (If using one.) Ben Barnes
Abilities: Filthy Rich- Damien has the money to get whatever he wishes, when he wishes.

Healing Factor/Slowed Aging/Immortality: Damien heals twice as fast as a normal human. He also does not age slower than a regular human being, and is functionally immortal. He will not die of old age, though he may be killed by normal means. If killed by regular means, he will heal quickly enough to return to life, but will also need to recover motor skills, balance, etc, butit is not instantaneous.

Advanced Intellect/Heightened Reflexes- Damien is very knowledgeable in the fields of chemistry, engineering, and biology, and is a gifted tactician. His reflexes and reaction times are twice that of a regular human being.


Martial Arts Training- Damien is a capable hand-to-hand and armed fighter, able to engage two opponents with no difficulty, and more with considerable issue.


Weaknesses and flaws: Damien is human and possesses normal human durability. He can be killed by regular means and only heals twice as fast a regular human. Damien is also very proud and defensive of his heritage, and holds a deep and abiding love for his sister Morgaine, which can be used against him.

Character location/Home:  Various locations/Gotham City to start
Alignment (villain, hero etc): Villain
Team: None
Relatives (living/dead?): Slade Wilson (father, living), Talia al Ghul (mother, living), Ra’s al Ghul (Grandfather, deceased), Grant Wilson (older brother, deceased), Rose Wilson (older sister, living), Joseph Wilson (older brother, unknown), Robert Queen (adoptive older brother, living)

Backstory: Damien is the result of an affair between Talia al Ghul and Deathstroke the Terminator in order to produce an heir for Ra’s al Ghul, the Demon’s Head. Damien’s entire life thus far has been spent learning the business of the League of Assassins and their assets in order to assist his grandfather. He’s grown up hearing stories of “The Detective”, Gotham City’s own Batman, and how Batman turned down the opportunity to lead the League and be with his mother. Damien does not consider the Batman a worthy enemy, and intends to defeat him as his father and grandfather have thus far been unable to do.  Ra’s passing was a blow to the League, but Damien has stepped in to fill the void with his younger sister Morgaine at his side.

He also considers the Arrow family an issue, but has not acted against them as his “brother” is among their number. His loyalties are challenged on all sides by Robert’s murder of his sister’s father, his mother’s abiding love of Batman, and his father’s hatred of the Arrow Family. Damien, however, intends to strike his enemies in a way they will never recover from, and knows that his rise is imminent.

How do you plan to introduce the character to the game?: Damien is coming to Gotham to challenge Batman and learn his identity.

What are you planning to do with this character?: Damien will be the driving force behind “The Future is a Memory” plot, which will have repercussions for the entire world.

What do you want to see happen with this character?: I’d like to see Damien match wits with Batman and become an issue for both the Bat and Arrow families.

Please include a sample post/scene


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