| Shiera Hall//Nicolette Hall ( hawkgirl) wrote, |
"He wasn't happy with me making out with Egyptian boys."
She rolled her eyes at that. It wasn't like she was going to DO anything. Geez.
"The dig was pretty cool. They're finding all sorts of artifacts from Khufu's reign. Mom and Dad have spent a bunch of time at the site and I think they'll have a whole lot of stuff to send home. Mom seemed pretty happy, Rex. She was smiling a lot. Dad seemed happy, too. Busy, but happy. They're kinda cute when they're happy."
She played with her seatbelt a little bit.
"How're you doing, Rex? I felt weird leaving with Mom and Dad and leaving you here all alone. I'm glad I'm back. Now I can make sure if you're going to drink yourself stupid you will at least drink decent stuff."
She already had plans on making sure he bought better stuff. No way was she stealing crappy beer.
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