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Kalista Borgin ([info]hath_no_fury) wrote,
@ 2013-07-07 00:36:00

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I'm convinced someone took down the cooling charms on this house. It was far too warm for it to be acceptable.

Instead of sitting around and dying of heat stroke, I decided to take Astrid out for a swim. She seemed to thoroughly enjoy herself, thrashing around in the water. I swear, my little girl is getting more beautiful every day.

Too bad her father wasn't there--

If she was a boy he would--

I'm going to have to buy her some new swim suits, she's quickly outgrowing the ones she already has. Maybe a few new dresses, while I'm at it. She can never have too many of those. I'll just have the house elves find more space, or get rid of those rags people have sent her as "gifts".

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2013-07-09 11:51 am UTC (link)
If it were up to me I would have waited to have children - I adore my daughter, but my waistline will never be the same. And unfortunately I don't believe it works that way - if we got to choose, I would have given Augustus the son he keeps going on about.

Ugh, I don't even want to think about it. So very upsetting.

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2013-07-09 11:59 am UTC (link)

Do you think this one will last? I simply don't know how she can see past that mudblood stench!

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2013-07-09 12:34 pm UTC (link)
Who knows. I doubt she'll be able to find a more suitable man even if it doesn't. She's been tainted.

My guess is she just likes the attention. Lord knows she drew enough of it to herself by announcing her engagement like that. She didn't even have the common sense to put it behind wards. There are still witches and wizards out there who think that ring on her finger is quite literally to die for, after doing what she's done.

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