Name: Olivia Rose Krum, goes by Livvy or Liv Age and Birthdate: 17; December 29 Parents: Alesander Krum and Tereza Godunova; Laura Madley (stepmother) Siblings: Natalie Madley, 7th Year Puff, (Boy) Krum, any house/year, younger than Livvy and Nat. House and Year: 7th Year Puff PB: Emily Vancamp History: family and home life; Family is odd when it comes to Olivia. Yes, she has a mother and a father but she hasn’t seen her mother since she was six. She was born in Bulgaria, but she has lived most of her life in England, when her father took her to live with him permanently. Livvy was only two at the time, so she took to the re-marriage pretty well. Laura has been the only real mother she's ever known, so when Tereza -her birth mother- showed up for her sixth birthday, she refused to even see her, clinging instead to Laura, the woman she'd come to think of as "Mom." Livvy has a little brother who was born shortly after her father re-married and she loves him to pieces. Of course, she does torment and tease him just as any big sister would do.. Even now that she understands that they don't have the same parents, by blood, these people are her family and she wouldn't dream of treating them any differently just because Laura isn't the woman who gave birth to her. history at school, etc; It was no surprise at all, of course, when Livvy was accepted into Hogwarts. Her parents were thrilled and there were many trips to Diagon Alley that summer to purchase all the things she would need for her first year. Livvy had, by then, heard many stories about Hogwarts from Laura and even her uncle Viktor had some fond memories to share from his visit to the school during the TriWizard Tournament his school participated in there. All the stories in the world couldn't prepare her, though, for how amazing Hogwarts really was, and Livvy feel in love at first sight. She was sorted into Hufflepuff, which came as a bit of a surprise, but she definitely doesn't fit many of the house stereotypes. Olivia is a hard worker and very friendly, but she certainly couldn't be thought of as a pushover under any circumstances. As unexpected as the sort was, Livvy fits in really well amongst her house and she's definitely proud to be a Puff. Livvy found out quickly that she had three major strengths as a witch: Herbology, Defense Against the Dark Arts, and Flying. No one was surprised at all that the niece of Viktor Krum turned out to be a natural flyer. She took to the broom like she was born on one and it was no big shock when she easily nabbed the position of Beater on her house team as a second year. Her responsible and hardworking nature, along with her friendly personality helped to earn her a position as school Prefect in her fifth year and making Head Girl for her final year. Personality: People often make the mistake of thinking that Hufflepuffs tend to be sensitive pushovers, but those people have obviously never met Livvy. She's about as far from the typical stereotypes for Hufflepuff as you can get. Oh, she's fair and believes in giving people a chance, but she's not afraid to be blunt when it comes to knocking some ponce down a peg or two and she's definitely not one to back down in an argument when she knows she is in the right. She hates injustice and she works hard to fight for the people and causes she believes in. This aspect of her personality might just be influenced by stories her father and uncle have told her of a certain Hermione Granger that he met as a boy at Hogwarts, but Livvy thinks the stories about her crusade against the mistreatment of house elves are brilliant and she tries to bring that level of passion and commitment to the things she believes in. Part of what makes Livvy such a good prefect is that she's a firm believer in following the rules and she's not afraid to take points from anyone, even people she is friends with, if they are caught doing something they shouldn't be. There are, of course, rare instances when she will break the rules herself, but it's mostly when she thinks the rule is stupid to begin with. This isn't to say she is afraid to take risks, because she isn't. Livvy isn't the least bit afraid to go after something she wants badly, no matter what she has to do to get it! Quidditch is the best example of this tendency, because when she sees an opportunity there, she goes for it. There's no regard to how dangerous a maneuver might end up or who might be in her way, and Livvy isn't at all afraid to knock another player off their broom if that's what she needs to do to help out her team. How badly injured someone might get from one of her bludgers isn't even a consideration when she's in the air, though she might feel bad about it later when one of her "victims" ends up in the hospital wing. She shows an aggression on the Pitch that very few people would expect from her if they didn't know her well. Olivia's biggest flaw is probably that she doesn't know how to let go of a grudge. It takes a lot to make her truly hate you, but once she does, there's really no coming back from that. She's deeply vengeful and once you've made an enemy out of her, you're an enemy for life. She'll prank you, spread rumors about you, and basically do everything within her power to make your life miserable. Because she is so loyal to the people she cares for, she expects the same in return. She won't take well at all to find her friends making nice with the few people she can't stand, because she thinks that true loyalty means siding with your friends and always having their back. Even if she doesn't quite return that, because she won't be mean to someone just because a friend doesn't like them. Hypocritical? Why, yes, but that's just the way Olivia works. Anything Else: Captain of the Quidditch team, Beater, Prefect |
hasakneazle - Post a comment
hasakneazle (hasakneazle) wrote on 5th August 2009 at 23:19
bio & plotting