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harshmod ([info]harshmod) wrote,
@ 2008-01-07 15:51:00

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Entry tags:duels


The Moderators
pirouette- 8.4
serotonin- 8.2
party- 8.9

The Members
pyr0m4n14c- 9.8
midnight- 9.7
cecille- 9.6
armsliketowers- 9.4
gutterslut- 9.4
ashly- 9.3
perfidious- 9.3
elephant- 9.2
canaduh- 9.1
keyblade- 9.1
61_keys_to_play- 9.0
jacobjunkie_177- 9.0
athens- 9.0
lemonade- 9.0

4chan- 8.9
caffeine- 8.8
appeal- 8.8
spliff- 8.8
pocahontas- 8.7
ashwee- 8.7
bubblegum- 8.6
create- 8.6
harlequin- 8.6
maerd- 8.5
rambo- 8.5
daynalove- 8.5
camaro- 8.4
tinkerbell_- 8.4
beaut- 8.4
mazes- 8.4
how- 8.2
wild- 8.2
dessen- 8.1
sexytime- 8.0

roark- 7.8
persephone- 7.8
snapple- 7.8
higinia- 7.8
dust 7.3
nitroglycerin- 7.0

Duel Rules
- You can duel anyone within 1. of your range.
- If you win 5 duels (does not have to be in a row), your score will raise by .1
- If you lose 5 duels, your score will lower by .1
- We will post duel results after three days.
- Any questions? Just ask me on here.

The Form

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2008-09-18 04:29 am UTC (link)
can this be my new duel pic plz?


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