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harshmod ([info]harshmod) wrote,
@ 2008-06-10 22:48:00

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The theme will be posting pictures of where you live! Tell us, what town/state you live in, try and post some pictures! Post pictures of your house/apartment/condo and such, and tell us if you've always lived there or if you've moved recently, or sometime in your life! we thought this would be interesting to get to know each other, and all the different places we live :]
+25 for doing the activity, additional +2 for pictures, and +10 for videos!

The monthly Activity will be posting pictures of your bedroom! tell us how it explains you, and what your favorite things inside your room is! Take a picture with your favorite items! have fun with this :}!
+25 for doing the activity, +2 for each picture, +10 for videos.

+ your favorite thing
+ an iPOD
+ a cellphone
+ sunglasses
+ a movie you recommend
+ a book to put on your summer reading list
+ your favorite beverage
+ a beach picture
+ something that reminds you of summer

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2008-07-10 06:05 pm UTC (link)
That's an awesome idea. I've been trying to make a video but I never know what to say and I always sound like a moron and don't post it.

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